Dear Kantara Accredited Assessors,

See attached updates proposed to the FICAM program.  
  • Requested Action: Review the document set and include your comments in the excel provided. 
  • Deadline: Return comments by December 2nd. 
  • Deliverable: Kantara will compile your comments for submission under our umbrella. 
  • Note: We will not identify your organization's comments unless you explicitly request we do so. 
  • Call to Finalize: Week of December 2nd to discuss and finalize our Kantara response to FICAM. 
** Please be sure to take this opportunity to review the documents as they may directly touch your participation within the FICAM program.  NOTE: if you do not participate in FICAM you may still submit comments for inclusion in our response.

Best Regards,
- Joni

Joni Brennan
Kantara Initiative | Executive Director
voice:+1 732-226-4223
email: joni @

Building Trusted Identity Ecosystems - It takes a village!

Subject: [FICAM-TFP] FYI: Complete Info on Upcoming FICAM TFS Update


We expect to release this to the public over the next couple of days, but wanted to send you, the TFPs, the complete information on the upcoming changes to the FICAM TFS Program.  

This is the first major update to the Program since it was initiated back in 2009 and incorporates feedback we have received on the needs of Agencies, input based on programs we are rolling out (such as FCCX), as well as updates made as a result of the changing marketplace of identity services.

Please use the attached comment matrix for your feedback. Please have the comments back to me by COB Friday, Dec 13.

I realize that you may have questions or need clarifications. I would be happy to schedule a time with you to meet in person (if you are in DC) or remotely via WebEx, when you are ready to have that discussion. Let me know.

High Level Intro:
  • Read the Trust Framework Solutions Overview (DRAFT) to have a holistic understanding of the background, authorities and components of the FICAM Trust Framework Solutions (TFS) Program
  • Read the Trust Framework Provider Adoption Process for All Levels of Assurance (DRAFT) to understand how the TFS Program evaluates and adopts commercial Trust Frameworks for use by the Government
  • Read the Authority To Offer Services (ATOS) for FICAM TFS Approved Identity Services (DRAFT) to understand the requirements that identity services need to satisfy in order to offer their services to the U.S. Federal Government
  • Read the Identity Scheme and Protocol Profile Adoption Process (DRAFT) to understand how protocol profiles are created, adopted and used by the government to ensure that the RP application and the CSP communicate in a secure, interoperable and reliable manner.
  • Read the Relying Party Guidance for Accepting Externally Issued Credentials to understand how Agencies will leverage federated identity technologies. (NOT ATTACHED - This will be posted publicly)

- Anil

:- Anil John [GSA]
:- 202.810.5091
:- Response Time - 24 Hours

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