Dear Kantara Community,

As we ramp up for a very busy fall I'm sure many of you are making travel plans for the close of 2013.  We are pleased to announce our 2013 plenary meeting location and date:

What: Kantara Plenary Summit
Where: Vancouver, BC
When: Nov 10-11

Please register as soon as possible so that we may plan appropriate space and accommodations (food and bev).

Why Attend: Understand the latest updates around Kantara Initiative programs and activities. Information share with your colleagues and partners. Share the table with your competitors.  Gain better understanding of how you can influence our activities and how Kantara can help your organization to achieve higher visibility and international include. The opportunities are many so please don't miss this event.

The meeting is situated just after IETF 88.  We hope that by locating in the same location and after IETF that the summit will be more convenient to attend. We realize that this meeting is being called over a weekend (on a Sunday).  We apologize for the timing, however given the many many events scheduled through October and November, our stakeholders felt that these dates were the most accessible for attendance.

Please don't hesitate to contact me directly with questions, comments or concerns.  We look forward to seeing you in the great white north.

Best Regards,

Joni Brennan
Kantara Initiative | Executive Director
voice:+1 732-226-4223
email: joni @

Building Trusted Identity Ecosystems - It takes a village!