Dear Kantara Community,

As you may be aware Kantara has participated in the last 2 SXSW Interactive events.  In our first entry UMA took the center stage sharing with ISOC, and Tor.  Last year our IDoT session strong generated excitement and interest. 

This year we hope to make the cut again with our session focused on digital consent.  We've submitted a panel including: Mark Lizar, Robin Wilton and Ian Glazer.  If we are selected we'll discuss issues around consent in the context of identity relationship management and UMA. 

Submission selection is very competitive. To get there we'll need your vote!  Please take a moment to vote for our session.  You'll be asked to create an account and we're sorry about that.  This is a rule set by SXSW.  We hope that SXSW might federate identity in the future!

Summary: Clicking “Agree” for consent on-line is outdated. In the real world, asking for consent is unusual. I don't ask a barista for consent to get coffee. A barista doesn't ask me for consent to serve me. Social norms enable the barista and I to feel "OK" for specific exchanges. The on-line world is different. People are constantly asked for consent which effectively trains them to click "Agree". Policy makers are starting to codify for consent as if consent is an assumed optimal solution. We can build trust in the Internet and reduce friction by upgrading “Agree” buttons to provide people with a record of what personal information they have shared, but that's only the beginning of our story.

Best Regards,

Joni Brennan
Kantara Initiative | Executive Director
email: joni @

Connecting Identity for a more trustworthy Internet - Overview