Please feel free to share this with your colleagues.  As always, we welcome any feedback and input you may have.  You can view this online at our wiki page and on our blog page.

Kantara Initiative

December 2009


Since our formal launch in June of this year, we are extremely happy with the progress in just a few months. We have 15+ active discussion and working groups already formed, with a diverse number of members. Kantara gets new participants on a daily basis! In addition to this we are seeing growth and progress in 5 specific areas: Interoperability, Assurance, Privacy, Liability and Usability.

We had a successful inaugral face-to-face meeting in September where we co-located with DIDW. Our second event takes place March 9-11, 2010 and is kindly hosted by Intel Corporation at their facility in Hillsboro, near Portland, Oregon (details below). Many thanks to you all for your support this year; we look forward to further growth and activity in the new year.


Three new groups: the Telecommunications Identity Work Group (TI WG), Identity & Access Services (IAS WG) and the Mind The Gap Discussion Groups (MTG DG) were launched recently. 

WG - Telecommunications Identity

The ultimate goal of the Telecommunications Identity (TelcoID) Work Group is to help reconcile fragmented efforts in the telco specifications development area and in the telco market place regarding identity management. In order to achieve that, it will act as a forum to facilitate the dialog between Kantara Initiative and the telco industry sector. Additionally, it will produce telco-specific technical material on top of Kantara Initiative specifications as necessary to ensure proper implementation of suitable Kantara Initiative technologies in a telco infrastructure.

WG - Identity & Access Services

Organizations recognize the need for the unambiguous expression of identity. Identity can represent a physical individual, a collection of individuals, a logical entity, a resource or a capability. Identity is a fundamental element for establishing and maintaining business relationships, and for describing the credentials, capabilities, and responsibilities of parties to a relationship. The principal business problem that drove the formation of the original Identity Services Working Group (under the auspices of Burton Group) is the difficulties companies face when integrating vendor Identity management (IdM) products with their existing infrastructure and, increasingly, in integrating vendor products themselves. As vendors continue to add to their IdM suites, integration between products is a challenge of increasing concern to organizations.

DG - Mind The Gap

The ID Legal – Map the Gap Discussion Group (MtG DG) is a collaboration between the ID Commons (IDC) (1) Identity and Legal Communities Cross Pollination Group (ID Legal) (2) and Participants within various Kantara Initiative Working Groups. The focus of the MtG DG is on a “Mapping the Gap” event that was initially proposed within the ID Legal discussions (3).

Stay tuned for new groups being formed in the coming weeks. 

See all groups at the Dashboard


We hope you can join us March 9-11 next year for our second face-to-face meeting. Registration for the meeting is now open.

The early bird registration fee is $195USD until February 12, 2010. The fee thereafter will be $250USD until March 9.

Special negotiated suites are available at the SpringHill Suites by Marriott Hillsboro for $105USD + 10% tax March 8-11.  This rate includes complimentary hot buffet breakfast and WiFi if you reserve by Feb. 9, 2010. Reserve a King Suite online (code ikgikga), or a Double Queen Suite (code ikgikgb). Reference the "Intel Kantara Group" when calling the hotel directly at +1-503-547-0202 or Reservations +1-888-287-9400.  Note there are a limited number of rooms per night, book early to guarantee this rate. (The SpringHill Suites hotel is 3.5 miles from the Intel campus). Review the sleeping room reservation PDF flyer with hyperlinks.

Read agenda and details about the event online


Read all Q3 quarterly reports from groups

Concordia DG 
Co-Chair Names: 
* Paul Madsen 
* Tatsuki Sakushima 

List other Officer positions and Names: 
* None 

List other Officer positions currently vacant: 
* Secretary 

What are the active number of: 
* Total Participants: 59 
* Voting Participants: 12 
* Non-Voting Participants:47 
* Total Email List Subscribers: UNREPORTED 

Published Teleconference Frequency: bi-weekly 
Estimated Number of Teleconferences this Quarter: 2 

Number of Official Meetings this Quarter: 1 
Number of Unofficial (aka BOF) Meetings this Quarter: 0 

Number of Draft Specifications Produced this Quarter: 0 
Number of Reports Produced this Quarter: 0 

Other Comments: 
* We have 2 separate surveys underway - assurance & authz 
* SAML/OpenID proxying assurance guide submitted to DG but has seen limited discussion. 
* Initial discussions on SAML/OAuth 'hybrid' have begun 
* Some interest in participating in a workshop colocated with industry event - talks ongoing

Consumer Identity WG 
Chair Name: Bob Pinheiro

List other Officer positions and Names: 
• None 

List other Officer positions currently vacant: 

What are the active number of: 
• Total Participants: 32 
• Voting Participants: 14 
• Non-Voting Participants:18 
• Total Email List Subscribers: 54 

Published Teleconference Frequency: none

Estimated Number of Teleconferences this Quarter: 2 

Number of Official Meetings this Quarter: 2

Number of Unofficial (aka BOF) Meetings this Quarter: 0 

Number of Draft Specifications Produced this Quarter: 0

Number of Reports Produced this Quarter: 0 

Other Comments: 
• Numerous WG interactions have been conducted via email rather than in teleconference calls.

eGov WG 
Chair Name: Colin Wallis 
Vice Chair: Fulup Ar Foll 

Vacant Officer Positions: 
• Secretary 

What are the active number of: 
• Total Participants: 33 
• Voting Participants: 12 
• Non-Voting Participants: 21 
• Total Email List Subscribers: 46 

Published Teleconference Frequency: Weekly

Estimated Number of Teleconferences this Quarter: 3 

Number of Official Meetings this Quarter: 1

Number of Unofficial (aka BOF) Meetings this Quarter: 0 
Number of Draft Specifications Produced this Quarter: 0

Number of Reports Produced this Quarter: 0 

Other Comments: 
• The group continues to grow steadily, but those most active are motivated mostly by deployment profiles of the identity protocols, rather than workshops, policy or other higher level activity. This status is being regularly monitored to ensure that if there is a swing of sentiment in another direction, this is captured rather than having folks leave and go elsewhere.

Healthcare Identity WG 
Co-Chair Names: 

* John Fraser, 
* Pete Palmer, SureScripts 
* Rick Moore, eHealth Ohio 

List other Officer positions currently vacant: 
* None 

What are the active number of: 

* Total Participants: 23 
* Voting Participants: 19 
* Non-Voting Participants: 4 
* Total Email List Subscribers: 23 

Published Teleconference Frequency: Every other week 
Estimated Number of Teleconferences this Quarter: 0 

Number of Official Meetings this Quarter: 0 
Number of Unofficial (aka BOF) Meetings this Quarter: 0 

Number of Draft Specifications Produced this Quarter: 0 
Number of Reports Produced this Quarter: 0 

Other Comments: 
* Our kick-off meeting was October 22nd, 2009, so we just got started after Q3.

Identity Assurance WG 
Chair Name: Frank Villavicencio, Identropy 

List other Officer positions and Names: 
• Rich Furr, Safe BioPharma, Vice Chair 

List other Officer positions currently vacant: 
• None 

What are the active number of: 
• Total Participants: 50 
• Voting Participants:16 
• Non-Voting Participants: 34 
• Total Email List Subscribers: 68 

Published Teleconference Frequency: Every other week, with additional ad hoc meetings as necessary

Estimated Number of Teleconferences this Quarter (Q3): 3 

Number of Official Meetings this Quarter: 3

Number of Unofficial (aka BOF) Meetings this Quarter: 0 

Number of Draft Specifications Produced this Quarter: 0

Number of Reports Produced this Quarter: 0 

Other Comments: 
• The IAWG has a large amount of work affiliated with the accreditation and certification program and will be releasing several documents in the coming quarters. Participation is strong across geographies and verticals, with excellent collaboration. There are numerous draft documents currently in process in our "working drafts" section which are driving the bulk of our meeting discussions.

Identity Provider Selection WG WG 

Chair Name: Philippe Clement 
List other Officer positions and Names: 
* None 

List other Officer positions currently vacant: 
* Vice Chair 

What are the active number of: 

* Total Participants: 24 
* Voting Participants: 7 
* Non-Voting Participants: 17 
* Total Email List Subscribers: 44 

Published Teleconference Frequency: 0 
Estimated Number of Teleconferences this Quarter: 0 

Number of Official Meetings this Quarter: 1 
Number of Unofficial (aka BOF) Meetings this Quarter: 0 

Number of Draft Specifications Produced this Quarter: 0 
Number of Reports Produced this Quarter: 0 

Other Comments: 
* First official meeting led in Las Vegas, September 2009

Information Sharing WG WG 
• Iain Henderson 
• Joe Andrieu 

Other Officer Roles: 
• Judi Clark, Secretary 

Open Officer Positions: 
• None 

What are the active number of: 
• Total Participants: UNREPORTED 
• Voting Participants: 10 
• Non-Voting Participants: 16 

• Total Email List Subscribers: UNREPORTED 
Published Teleconference Frequency: Weekly

Estimated Number of Teleconferences this Quarter: 13 

Number of Official Meetings this Quarter: UNREPORTED

Number of Unofficial (aka BOF) Meetings this Quarter: UNREPORTED 

Number of Draft Specifications Produced this Quarter: 0

Number of Reports Produced this Quarter: 0 

Other Comments: 
• The Information Sharing Group meets each Monday by tele-conference, and to date has had 13 meetings where minutes or notes have been
taken. As this was the first Kantara Group 'out the door', we had multiple meetings before quorum processes et al were established, but
now have that under control. 
• Our main focus to date has been in building out a complex scenario where we map out customer and supplier engagement mechanics in a
futuristic, volunteered personal information enabled 'buying a car' situation. When we have completed this, we will document the underlying and generic capabilities that will form the specification that we take forward. 
• We will shortly begin a second strand of work around the creation of a standardised approach to individual-driven information sharing
Secretary Note: The "Information Sharing Work Group" was originally named "User-Driven Volunteered Personal Information (UDVPI) Work Group"

Japan DG 
Chair Name: Kenji Takahashi

List other Officer positions and Names: 
• None 

Officer positions currently vacant: 
• Vice Chair 

What are the active number of: 
• Total Participants: 29 
• Voting Participants: 29 
• Non-Voting Participants: 0 
• Total Email List Subscribers: N/A 

Published Teleconference Frequency: 0

Estimated Number of Teleconferences this Quarter: 0 
Number of Official Meetings this Quarter: 0

Number of Unofficial (aka BOF) Meetings this Quarter: 0 
Number of Draft Specifications Produced this Quarter: 0

Number of Reports Produced this Quarter: 0 

Other Comments: 
• None

Japan WG 
Chair Name: Kenji Takahashi 

List other Officer positions and Names: 

* Toshihiro Suzuki (Vice Chair) 
* Takashi Shitamichi (Secretary) 

List other Officer positions currently vacant: 
* None 

What are the active number of: 
* Total Participants: 39 
* Voting Participants: 39 
* Non-Voting Participants: 0 
* Total Email List Subscribers: (230 as 11/25/2009) 

Published Teleconference Frequency: 0 
Estimated Number of Teleconferences this Quarter: 1 

Number of Official Meetings this Quarter: 2 
Number of Unofficial (aka BOF) Meetings this Quarter: 1 

Number of Draft Specifications Produced this Quarter: 0 
Number of Reports Produced this Quarter: 0 

Other Comments: 
* None

Universal Login Experience WG 
Chair Names: 
* RL “Bob” Morgan 
* Mike Graves 
* Paul Trevithick 

Open Officer Positions: 
* None 

What are the active number of: 
* Total Participants: 24 
* Voting Participants: 10 
* Non-Voting Participants: 14 
* Total Email List Subscribers: unknown 

Published Teleconference Frequency: weekly 
Estimated Number of Teleconferences this Quarter: 0 

Number of Official Meetings this Quarter: 0 
Number of Unofficial (aka BOF) Meetings this Quarter: 0 

Number of Draft Specifications Produced this Quarter: 0 
Number of Reports Produced this Quarter: 0 

Other Comments: 
* Our first teleconference was on October 14, 2009. During Q3 2009 this WG was gathering its community and getting set up.

User Managed Access WG 
Chair Name: Eve Maler 

List other Officer positions and Names: 
* Vice-Chair: Paul Bryan 
* Spec Editor: Paul Bryan 
* Use Cases Editor: Hasan Akram 

List other Officer positions currently vacant: 
* none 

What are the active number of: 
* Total Participants: 38 
* Voting Participants: 24 
* Non-Voting Participants: 14 
* Total Email List Subscribers: 68 (as of 17 Nov 2009; don't know of a way to "back out to" 30 Sep 2009 subscriber list) 

Published Teleconference Frequency: weekly 
Estimated Number of Teleconferences this Quarter: 7 

Number of Official Meetings this Quarter: 2 (finally debugged the non-voting participant problem in early Oct) 
Number of Unofficial (aka BOF) Meetings this Quarter: 5 (plus a "public meeting" F2F at DIDW) 

Number of Draft Specifications Produced this Quarter: 1 (Scenarios and Use Cases) 
Number of Reports Produced this Quarter: 0 

Other Comments: 
* Submitted a successful 2010 budget request


Paul Madsen, NTT currently chairs two groups - the Concordia DG and ID-WSF Evolution WG.

Paul has been active with Kantara since its launch and was previously chair of Liberty Alliance's Technology Expert Group (TEG). Paul's current focus with the Concordia DG is to drive harmonization and interoperability of identity technology. The focus of the ID-WSF Evolution WG works to continue the development of the Liberty Alliance ID-WSF Specification Set.

Paul also participates in the OASIS SST, OpenID, OAuth, and Infocards. You can follow Pauls' blog and Tweets to get a glimpse of his thoughts and point(s) of view!


A number of new mailing lists have been created for planning and discussion purposes for upcoming events in the new year. Please subscribe to one or more of these lists if you would like to participate with the output of these events.

  • - This list has been created for discussion and planning purposes towards speaking and panel entries for IDTrust 2010. The event takes place April 13-15, 2010 at NIST Gaithersburg, MD, USA. The paper submissions deadline has been extended to December 20, and panels will be decided in January 2010. Sign up for this list serve this serve.
  • - This list has been created for discussion and planning purposes towards a full-day workshop on March 1, 2010. The RSA Conference is held March 1-5, 2010 at Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA, USA. Sign up for this list serve.
  • - This list is open for discussion and planning purposes. HIMSS is March 1-5, 2010 at the Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, USA. Sign up for this list serve>
  • - This list is to discuss and plan towards speaking slots related to theEuropean Catalyst event April 19-22, 2010 in Prague, Czech Republic. Sign up for this list serve.
  • - This list is to discuss and plan towards speaking sessions as well as a potential half-day meeting at the EIC 2010 event May 4-7, 2010 in Munich, Germany. Sign up for this list serve.
  • - This list is to discuss and plan towards speaking slots related to theUSA Catalyst event July 26-30, 2010 in San Diego, CA, USA. Sign up for this list serve.


    NeuStar joins Kantara Initiative's Board of Trustees, December 7, 2009 
    The Kantara Initiative announced today that Neustar, Inc. (NYSE: NSR) has joined its Board of Trustees, and will play an integral role in shaping the organization’s strategic direction on a global basis. Peter Davis, director and distinguished member of the technical staff within Neustar’s Advanced Technology Group, will serve as Neustar’s representative to the Kantara Initiative’s Board.

    Read more


    Connect with Kantara Initiative with the various ways our individual and collective voice and experience is reaching the extended community: 
    Google Calendar 

    Read more


    See all upcoming Kantara-related events; conferences, trade events, webcasts, and more.

    MISC 2010, January 20-22, 2010, Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA), London, U.K. 
    Making learning, knowledge, working, employment, business and healthcare mobile, personal and social. MISC Conference will take place from January 20 to 22, 2010 at Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA), London.

    The MISC conference is about exploring the current changes in technologies and practices towards individualization and socialization through connectivity and mobile technology at the service of identity construction. Our goal is to bring together researchers and practitioners working in a variety of fields (education, employment, healthcare, policy, technologies etc.) to facilitate exchanges and foster future collaborations. It aims at offering a forum where these researchers and practitioners can discuss theoretical as well as practical aspects, open issues, and innovative approaches as well as share the latest advances in the state of the art of personal and social data management, privacy/intimacy and identity construction.

    Read further details

    HIMSS, March 1-4, 2010, Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA, USA
    Healthcare reform is one of the Obama Administration’s top priorities, and the landscape is changing constantly. This symposium will explore the rapidly moving field of e-commerce in healthcare. Specifically, these sessions will discuss and demonstrate how we are going to prepare to move forward efficiently and effectively with healthcare.

    Registration details

    Read further details

    European Identity Conference (e-ID), May 4-7, 2010, Forum am Deutschen Museum, Munich, Germany 
    e-ID is the place to meet with enterprise technologists, thought leaders and experts to learn about, discuss and shape the market in most significant technology topics such as Identity Management, Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) and Cloud Computing. With its world class list of speakers, a unique mix of best practices presentations, panel discussions, thought leadership statements and analyst views, EIC has become an absolute must-attend event for enterprise IT leaders from all over Europe.

    Kantara Initiative members receive 25-40% discount off the Conference rate. Please contact dervla[at]kantarainitiative[dot]org

    Registration details

    Speaker submission details - deadline Feb. 15, 2010


    We continue to build our speakers bureau. For those of you who are new members, we are looking for experts who can offer their expertise, Kantara-related, at industry trade events, conferences, co-sponsored workshops/events. These opportunities provide exposure for Kantara therefore we would like to broaden our reach by updating our group of expert speakers. If you are interested in representing Kantara Initiative, please contact Dervla O'Reilly, dervla[at]kantarainitiative[dot]org

    Read more