Please feel free to share this with your colleagues.  As always, we welcome any feedback and input you may have.  You can view this online at our wiki page and on our blog page.

Are you able to view the links below? If not, please contact Dervla O'Reilly, dervla[at]kantarainitiative[dot]org 
We encourage you to forward this to your colleagues.

Kantara Initiative

October 2009


Kantara Initiative had a very successful inaugural meeting co-located at the DIDW in Las Vegas. The Board of Trustees (BoT), Leadership Council (LC) and many Work Groups (WGs) discussed deliverables and scope of work moving forward. You can review the current formed groups and minutes from these groups below for updates from the meeting.

In addition, the recent formation of an Oversight Board to look at expanding the Interop program is underway. The third Liberty Interoperable full-matrix web-based testing event administered by the Drummond Group Inc., and the first event to test products against the new eGovernment SAML 2.0 profile v1.5 recently released by Liberty Alliance took place allowed vendors to participate from anywhere in the world. The summers full-matrix testing event included more vendors than ever before, reflecting the worldwide demand among enterprises and governments for SAML 2.0 identity-enabled solutions that have proven to interoperate. Organizations can count on Liberty Interoperable for products that have proven to meet interoperability requirements today and over the long-term as the program moves to expand within Kantara Initiative to test against additional identity standards and protocols.

Please stay tuned for location and dates for our next Kantara Initiative meeting estimated March/April 2010. We are looking for sponsors for upcoming meetings for Kantara Initiative. There are two "RFPs" that describe our requirements - one RFP is for a smaller venue for the Board of Trustees and Leadership Council.  The second is for a larger meeting that would accommodate the BoT, LC as well as several work groups. Please contact dervla[at]kantarainitiative[dot]org with questions.


The Leadership Council approved the Work Groups (WG) and Discussion Groups (DG) listed below for operation.  Each group has its own workspace (wiki), Google Calendar, and mail list available from the home pages linked below.
DG - Concordia
DG - Identity Community Update
DG - Japan 
WG - Clients
WG - Consumer Identity
WG - eGovernment
WG - Healthcare Identity Assurance
WG - Identity Assurance
WG - IdP Selection
WG - ID-WSF Evolution
WG - Japan
WG - Privacy and Public Policy
WG - Universal Login Experience
WG - User Driven and Volunteered Personal Information Tech
WG - User Managed Access

Stay tuned for new groups being formed in the coming weeks:

Read more


Assurance Review Board (ARB) - The Board of Trustees appointed the Assurance Review Board to over see the activities of the forth coming Identity Assurance Certification Program.

Board of Trustees 

WG - Leadership Council 

DG - Concordia 

WG - eGov 
Draft Minutes

WG - IdP Selection 

WG - ID-WSF Evo 

WG - Privacy and Public Policy 
Draft Minutes



Content Image InlineKantara Initiative and Liberty Alliance announced that identity products from Entrust, IBM, Microsoft, Novell, Ping Identity, SAP and Siemens have passed Liberty Interoperable SAML 2.0 interoperability testing. These vendors participated in the third Liberty Interoperable full-matrix testing event to be administered by the Drummond Group Inc., and the first event to test products against the new eGovernment SAML 2.0 profile v1.5 recently released by Liberty Alliance. Web-based full-matrix testing allows vendors to participate from anywhere in the world and features rigorous processes for ensuring products meet SAML 2.0 interoperability requirements for open, secure and privacy-respecting federated identity management.

This year's program featured enhanced SAML 2.0 testing scenarios between Service Provider (SP) and Identity Provider (IdP). The eGovernment SAML 2.0 profile and its requisite test plan have been developed by Liberty Alliance with input from the Danish, New Zealand and US governments. Testing processes for the eGovernment profile included multiple SP logout scenarios, requested authentication context comparisons, and other aspects of SAML 2.0 necessary to meet interoperability, privacy, security and transparency requirements in the global eGovernment sector. A review of the SAML 2.0 v1.5 eGovernment profile is available online.


Eve is Chair of the User-Managed Access (UMA) Work Group. In addition, Eve served as the Project Concordia Chair/community leader for the last number of years. She was also the first Leadership Council Secretary of Kantara Initiative.

Eve is a Distinguished Engineer in PayPal’s Identity Services group, where she drives the development of security and identity strategies for enabling consumer choice in permissioning of personal data sharing. Eve was one of the inventors of XML; she also co-founded the SAML effort and has made major leadership, technical, and educational contributions to many other standards and technical communities. In recent times she has focused primarily on consumer trust, privacy, and empowerment issues in Web identity and permissioned data-sharing.

Eve also loves to play keyboards and sing rock and roll with her fellow musicians, a.k.a., Mud Junket. Continuing in this creative vein, Eve has contributed, written and created many more exciting things which can be found on herblog page. We’re delighted to have Eve’s continued support and on board with the Kantara Initiative.


Our community continues to blog on a regular basis - follow these posts online. We encourage you to blog and become involved.

The IDDY Deployment award winners include:
Google and Plaxo
The U.S. Department of Defense

The winning IDDY Proof of Concept (POC) awards include: 
fun communications
Gemalto and Vodafone
NRI, NTT and Oracle

Read more


Our community continues to blog on a regular basis - follow these posts online. We encourage you to blog and become involved.

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Connect with Kantara Initiative with the various ways our individual and collective voice and experience is reaching the extended community: 
Google Calendar 

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  • Entrust, IBM, Microsoft, Novell, Ping Identity, SAP and Siemens Pass Liberty Alliance SAML 2.0 Interoperability Testing – September 30, 2009

  • Michigan Healthcare Information Exchange Adopts Kantara Initiative Identity Assurance Framework – September 24, 2009
  • Kantara Initiative Announces Winners of the 2009 IDDY Award – September 15, 2009
  • Aetna, BT, SUNET and the US GSA Lead New Kantara Initiative Identity Assurance Review Board – August 18, 2009
  • Read more


    See all upcoming Kantara-related events; conferences, trade events, webcasts, and more.

    CSI 2009 – October 24-30, 2009, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, National Harbor, MD, USA (nr. Washington D.C. area) 
    CSI 2009 features a comprehensive program, covering 18 main topic areas, to provide the security knowledge you need to succeed in today's environment. We'll focus on real-world solutions that fit into the business plan, and help you deal with increasing threats, compliance and regulatory issues, tighter budget, even management that doesn't always understand.

    Registration details

    Agenda details

    5th Annual World Healthcare Innovation and Technology Congress (WHIT v.5.0), November 8-10, Washington D.C. USA 
    Convening over 400 healthcare executives, WHIT takes the discussion to a higher level to center on the next generation of innovation and technology as defined through the analysis of a focused and growing set of best resources for innovation and creativity.

    Pete Palmer & John Fraser, Chairs of the Healthcare Identity Assurance Work Group will present on Tuesday, November 10, 11:40-12:30. We encourage you to attend this Summit titled Interoperability and Connectivity: Privacy Security and Trust in Health Information Exchange.

    Kantara Initiative members will receive a special price for the Conference. Please use the promo code “TNP897” when you register and receive $200 discount.

    Defrag 2009, November 11-12, 2009, Hyatt Regency Denver, Colorado, USA 
    As online data is growing and fragmenting at an exponential pace, individuals, groups and organizations are struggling to discover, assemble, organize, act on and gather feedback from that data.

    In the largest sense, we're all looking to augment the pace at which we achieve insights on raw data -- to accelerate the "aha" moment. Defrag explores the intersection of topics like: 
    • Business Intelligence 
    • Business Process Management 
    • Social Computing and Analytics 
    • Next-level Discovery 
    • Enterprise 2.0 
    • Next-Gen Email 
    • The Semantic Web 
    • Social Media Monitoring and Engagement

    Register using priority code 'kantara1' to receive a $200 discount on the Conference fee

    Agenda details

    CLOUD 09, December 2-4, 2009, Forum am Deutschen Museum, Munich, Germany 
    CLOUD 09 is a 2.5 day conference with expo where you will meet with enterprise technologists, thought leaders and experts to learn about, discuss and shape the market in most significant technology and business topics around cloud computing. With its world class list of speakers, a unique mix of best practices presentations, panel discussions, thought leadership statements and analyst views, CLOUD 09 is an absolute must-attend event for Enterprise IT leaders from all over Europe and will be intensively covered in the news, in blog entries, newsletters and Kuppinger Cole Reports. Kantara Initiative members receive a special discounted rate.

    Kantara Initiative members receive 25-40% discount off the Conference rate. Please contact dervla[at]kantarainitiative[dot]org

    Registration details

    Agenda details

    MISC 2010, January 20-22, 2010, Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA), London, U.K. 
    Making learning, knowledge, working, employment, business and healthcare mobile, personal and social. MISC Conference will take place from 20th to 22nd January 2010 at Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA), London.

    The MISC conference is about exploring the current changes in technologies and practices towards individualization and socialization through connectivity and mobile technology at the service of identity construction. Our goal is to bring together researchers and practitioners working in a variety of fields (education, employment, healthcare, policy, technologies etc.) to facilitate exchanges and foster future collaborations. It aims at offering a forum where these researchers and practitioners can discuss theoretical as well as practical aspects, open issues, and innovative approaches as well as share the latest advances in the state of the art of personal and social data management, privacy/intimacy and identity construction.

    Read further details

    European Identity Conference (e-ID), May 4-7, 2010, Forum am Deutschen Museum, Munich, Germany 
    e-ID is the place to meet with enterprise technologists, thought leaders and experts to learn about, discuss and shape the market in most significant technology topics such as Identity Management, Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) and Cloud Computing. With its world class list of speakers, a unique mix of best practices presentations, panel discussions, thought leadership statements and analyst views, EIC has become an absolute must-attend event for enterprise IT leaders from all over Europe.

    Kantara Initiative members receive 25-40% discount off the Conference rate. Please contact dervla[at]kantarainitiative[dot]org

    Registration details

    Speaker details


    We continue to build our speakers bureau. For those of you who are new members, we are looking for experts who can offer their expertise, Kantara-related, at industry trade events, conferences, co-sponsored workshops/events. These opportunities provide exposure for Kantara therefore we would like to broaden our reach by updating our group of expert speakers. If you are interested in representing Kantara Initiative, please contact Dervla O’Reilly, dervla[at]kantarainitiative[dot]org