Hello people of the Kantara Initiative general community. I have been lurking here for some time. I have previously contributed. I have also been working on something that I have called Clique Space. My previous contributions to this mailing list have been in relation to this idea. I am now making a similar contribution. Clique Space models the real-time collaborative activity of individuals over any collaborative media one has engaged. While its ultimate implementation and general uptake is very ambitious, its core concept is so simple that I thought there was a buck to be made out of it. With this thought, I registered the concept as a PCT. The PCT will apparently expire in most jurisdictions on 15 July this year. I knew that the idea could never be realised by myself alone, but with a patent, I thought I might be in a position to elicit business support while also giving myself a chance of receiving recognition. Realising that such an ambitious concept may require a lot of work by many individuals, I would be more than willing to discuss an equitable quid-pro-quo that would see me receive some consideration for it as the concepts inventor. Up to now, I haven't been terribly successful at selling this idea possibly because I appear not to be the best at selling things. The PCT expiration date is looming, and I certainly do not have nearly enough available finance to cover national phase registration. So, with this letter, you are observing me as someone doing their utmost to give the idea its best chance of success before it falls out of his grasp and before it loses any prospect of being sellable. I think this concept is particularly versatile and useful; its necessary place in the world of identity management will inevitably become clear to others. So, I here appeal to anyone who reads this letter, and who is in a position particularly to offer financial support to get the patent over the hill of national phase registration, to respond to this email, or to call me directly on +61 401 493 433. I believe that you would not be doing yourself any harm in talking to me about any possibility of engagement. To give you the best idea of what Clique Space is meant to be, you should have a look at the bottom-most link I supply in my email signature below. I have plenty more material that I can share, so I believe I can answer most questions you may have. Thank you for your time and for your consideration, Owen. -- Radical collocation: look, just stop it! You're being ridiculous. www.cliquespace.net Clique Space(TM) Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=81335296379 Owen's Garden of Thought: http://owenpaulthomas.blogspot.com/ The Technical Position of the Clique Space Concept: http://telework.ning.com/forum/attachment/download?id=2143918%3AUploadedFile...