Hey Tony, Can you show some data positively correlating the use of pseudonyms and exponentially increasing crime? Thanks! -Heather On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 11:57 AM, Tony Rutkowski <trutkowski@netmagic.com> wrote:
Isn't that what Anders Brevik advocated?
The reality is that a very large number of miscreants use communications networks for exponentially increasing crime, infrastructure attacks, and all kinds of behavior that significantly harms others. They far outnumber the Buddhists in Kansas. Most rational societies will opt for protecting themselves, and those folks in Kansas will have to deal with their neighbors.
Why is accountability only for identity providers. Those using those identities should be accountable as well.
On 8/1/2011 2:13 PM, Kaliya wrote:
It is about freedom of speech and self representation on the network. Expression not "privacy".
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