Dear Community,

Kantara Initiative is opening a call for proposals regarding organizational reform of the Kantara governance, bylaws, operating procedures and structures.  This call is open to all organizations and individuals who wish to submit a proposal.  Responses received will be published publicly ONLY where the submitter has provided permission to do so.

Kantara Initiative is an organization comprised of Identity Providers, Assessor Organizations, Government Agencies, Service Providers, Research and Educational Organizations, and User Groups which develop and interface with Federated Identity Management Systems.

Kantara Initiative recognizes the growing importance of the development, marketplace and adoption of Trusted Identity Systems as a critical piece of Internet Identity Trust layer infrastructure. The goal of the reform will be to evolve Kantara Initiative into a more mature and capable, multi-stakeholder forum that can support and promote the growth of verified Trusted Identity Ecosystems for the broader public good.

Key topics for inclusion in responses are:
* Proposed changes to Governance via the Bylaws [1];
* Proposed changes to Governance via the Operating Procedures [2];
* Proposed refinements to the mission and vision regarding verification of Trusted Federation Identity Systems [3];
* Opportunities for wider membership and collaboration.
**Note: Please make sure to indicate permission to share the contents of your submissions.

Kantara Initiative is soliciting position papers and statements of interest (limit 750 words) from organizations and individuals regarding these topics. We encourage stakeholders to submit their comments to [support at kantarainitiative dot org] through August 6th or use our contact form [4]. All submissions will be posted publicly on the Kantara Initiative website ( with permission from submitters.  Kantara Initiative Board of Trustees and Leadership Council will take all input under advisement in developing a roadmap for organizational action.

We thank you in advance for your time and consideration regarding this process,

Joni Brennan
Kantara Initiative | Executive Director
voice:+1 732-226-4223
email: joni @

[1] ByLaws:
[2] Operating Procedures:
[3] Mission: Foster identity community harmonization, interoperability, innovation, and broad adoption through the development of open identity specifications, operational frameworks, education programs, deployment and usage best practices for privacy-respecting, secure access to online services.
[4] Contact form: