Apologies for additional mail. The registration link needed an update. 

Registration is here: http://bit.ly/ki-utrecht

Best Regards,

Joni Brennan

On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 2:50 PM, Joni Brennan <joni@kantarainitiative.org> wrote:
Dear Community,

Kantara Initiative leaders and innovators are set to gather in Utrecht, Netherlands September 4th-5th.  In an event kindly hosted by SURFnet and sponsored by Forgerock, leaders from the Kantara IDentities of Things (IDoT), User Managed Access (UMA), and Consent and Information Sharing (CIS) Open Notice Groups are set to present 1.5 days of innovation harmonization.  Areas of coverage include use cases and demos that focus on the Identity layer of IoT.  Specifically, the event will address access control, notice, and consent with regard to contextual Identity systems.  Leaders will discuss these topics ranging from user-centric to enterprise and industrial access. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with peers, partners, and competitors.

Find the draft agendas below.  Note: Agenda subject to change in this dynamic event.

Space is Limited. Register Now: Identity and Access Control – Context, Choice, and Control in the age of IoT 

In a world of increasing network connectivity that interacts with more and more active and passive sensors, data is generated, managed, and consumed in mass.  Industry experts will discuss findings regarding standardization of the IoT space and where possible gaps exist.  Focus will include review of use cases and demos as well as implications of identity and personal identifiable information within the IoT space.

Why attend:

  • Discuss what your organization, business, government needs to know.
  • Collaborate to make sense of the confusing IoT space, with specific regard to identity implications.

Who should attend:

  • Technologists, engineers, decision makers, information officers, privacy officers, researchers 

Day 1: Thursday September 4th

Time Topic
13:00  Welcome – Setting the Stage
13:15  UMA Use Cases and Flows (technical and non-technical)
14:15  IDoT Use Cases
14:45  Break
15:00  Open Notice Use Cases and Flows
15:30  Collection of Breakout Topics & Working Sessions
16:30  Calls to Action & Thanks (Dankuwel!)

Day 1: Friday September 5th

Time Topic
10:00 Welcome – Setting the Stage
10:15 Kantara Mission Overview – Opportunities and Trust in the age of IoT
10:30 UMA Presentation & Demo
11:30 UMA as an authorization mechanism for IoT
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Open Notice - Minimum Viable Consent Receipt
14:30 Privacy in the age of IDentities of Things
15:30 Break
15:45 Collection of Breakout Topics & Breakouts Sessions
16:15 Calls to Action & Thanks (Dankuwel!)

Best Regards,

Joni Brennan
Kantara Initiative | Executive Director
voice:+1 732-266-8994
email: joni @ kantarainitiative.org

Connecting Identity for a more trustworthy Internet - Overview