My apologies. this was meant to be addressed to the list.

2009/10/20 Owen Thomas <>
Hi Brett and Robin.

Thanks for expressing some of the concerns you have about patents and IPR. I do not wish to burden anyone with feelings that they may infringe my IP; something which I can only hope at this stage is covered by my patent. I have two basic wishes in joining this group. 1: to disclose my concept to a community of interested parties so the concept's efficacy and value can be debated, and 2: to elicit support for the concept's implementation and deployment.

In exercising the second of these two wishes, I would hope that others might see my attempts at selling this concept no more onerous than anyone else's; I simply believe I have a simple yet powerful idea about identity, affiliation, and device management that I would like others to check out and give me their opinion on. If anyone feels that they might be able to help me realise the concept in a substantial way, I here invite them to contact me privately.

I'll loiter for now, but would welcome comment by anyone who wishes to know more about Clique Space.

Thanks for your time,


2009/10/20 Brett McDowell <>


I concur with everything Robin has relayed to you and I'd only add a
bit more about the "rules" this group.  You can think of this list as an open forum where anyone can
subscribe without any IPR commitment, and everyone who has subscribed
can post to the list.  That is quite different than the IPR and
process rules that exist for Kantara Work Groups and Discussion Groups
(as Robin illustrated with P3WG, the group he chairs).

We actually have no "rules" per se on this community@ list.  I see it
as similar to any open forum you might attend at an industry
conference where anyone can stand-up and say or share any information.
 The conference has brought the participants together in the same
room, but the conference takes no responsibility for what is shared
during that session.  This email list is similar to that, and as you
might expect at a conference, behavior is going to be self-governed by
the participants.

That's how things work for now anyway.  Kantara is a young
organization and perhaps we'll evolved our "rules" for the community@
list over time, but only if this laissez faire approach proves

Best Regards,

Brett McDowell | |

On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 12:25 PM, Robin Wilton
<> wrote:
> Hi Owen -
> I don't think you're breaching an IPR policy... it's just that Kantara and
> its groups have IPR policies which ensure that any contributions are made
> under a known and mutually-agreed set of rules. For example, the Privacy and
> Public Policy WG operates inder a Creative Commons "Attribution/Share Alike"
> policy... so if you contribute IPR to the P3 Work Group, it's on that basis.
> If you felt that the patended status of your ideas precluded
> "Attribution/Share Alike" treatment, you would have to decide whether to
> waive that or not contribute them to the group's proceedings.
> So, on the community list, folks may simply be unsure what rights you aim to
> assert regarding the ideas youre inviting them to comment on...
> Hope this helps - I don't want to discourage you from engaging in a
> discussion, I'm just observing that, if you don't get much response, IPR
> considerations may be one inhibiting factor...
> Yrs.,
> Robin
> Owen Thomas wrote:
> Hello people.
> I now see that I may have overstepped a boundary as to what can and cannot
> be discussed. I would find it helpful if someone could be a little more
> specific on which IPR policy governs this group, and maybe even the specific
> clauses that my posting may be in breach of.
> Thanks,
>   Owen.
> 2009/10/20 Robin Wilton <>
>> Marketing or not, I would imagine that few list members will be eager to
>> comment on patented ideas outside the IPR provisions of Kantara and its Work
>> Groups.
>> Yrs.,
>> Robin
>> Richard G. WILSHER (Zygma) wrote:
>> Isn’t this marketing and is this appropriate use of this list?
>> Richard G. WILSHER
>> CEO
>> the Zygma partnership LLC
>> Office:                 +1 714 965 99 42
>> Mobile (USA):    +1 714 797 99 42
>> Mobile (Eur):     +44 77 68 05 41 58
>> ________________________________
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Owen Thomas
>> Sent: 19 October 2009 12:55
>> To:
>> Subject: [Kantara - Community] Clique Space: A concept for an Identity
>> Layer.
>> Hi there people.
>> After doing some research on the lay of the market landscape for a device
>> and user aggregation, interaction modeling and moderation system, I ran into
>> the term "Identity Layer" that appears to sum up the objective of a concept
>> that I have patented.
>> In essence, Clique Space is a system that abstracts user presence and
>> models collaborations. I will leave the details to the three links I provide
>> in my signature below, and to Google. I would love to have some feedback.
>> Thanks,
>>   Owen.
>> --
>> Clique Space(TM) Facebook Group:
>> Owen's Garden of Thought:
>> ________________________________
>> _______________________________________________
>> Community mailing list
> --
> Clique Space(TM) Facebook Group:
> Owen's Garden of Thought:
> ________________________________
> _______________________________________________
> Community mailing list
> _______________________________________________
> Community mailing list


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