
Let me also add that is has been a real pleasure to be working with you. You had done a marvelous job and we all will miss you. All the best for your new challenge and hope to see you again soon!

Sincerely, Hellmuth

Dr. Hellmuth Broda Consulting
Information Technology Advisors
Swiss Trade Register # BS-05983-2008

Holbeinstrasse 19
4051 Basel, Switzerland
+41-61-273-1505 tel
+41-61-273-1507 fax
+41-79-407-8015 mob

On 17.02.2010, at 16:15, Brett McDowell wrote:

Many thanks to Roger, Joni, Britta, Eve, Jason, Matthew, Paul, Dervla, Ken, Frank, Colin, Robin and Lena for the kind words.  I really wasn't expecting this given that I'm not actually going anywhere, just changing hats.  So it was a surprise and a treat.

Onward and upward!

-- Brett