Trust and usability are prerequisites for the development of commercial, administrative, social media and other e-services. To enable trust and usability today, secure and easy-to-use e-identification is in the users, service providers and the public interest. Identity federation is a solution that is now beginning to spread and gain in importance.

An identity federation is an association of organizations that have agreed to rely on each others’ electronic identities to facilitate user access and protect personal privacy when using electronic services.

During this workshop, participants will review practical experience in developing and establishing identity federation. Target groups for the workshop are the organizations which operate or plan to establish identity federation, email service providers, credential service providers/identity providers.

09:00 Introduction – Presentation of participants: Kantara Initiative – The Bridge to Communities Assurance, Governance and Technical Interoperability
Joni Brennan, Executive Director of Kantara Initiative

10:00 SWAMID – Swedish Academic Identity
Leif Johansson, SUNET

10:30 Coffee

11:00 Kalmar2 and eduGAIN, international collaborations in the Federation area
Valter Nordh, SUNET / GU

11:30 Local Authorities in England (KSL)
Karin Bengtsson, Head of IT Forum (KSL), Stefan Svensson, IT Strategist, City of Stockholm, and Björn Söderlund, IT strategist Lidingö City

12:00 Case Study – Pharmacy Services Ltd
Speakers from the Pharmacy Service AB

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Swedish e-identification
Nils Fjelkegård, E-ID Board

14:00 Market – users and email service providers’ preferences
Staffan Hagnell,. SE
Summary – Is it time to add the next gear in our identity federation?
Thomas Nilsson, Certezza

14:30 Coffee

15:00 Common discussion – Identity federation for what and whom?
The discussion is led by Rolf Lysell, Innotiimi AB
- For which services and users?
- What are the opportunities for cooperation and how we continue the work?

17:00 End

Event details:
Complimentary Registration
Location: Finlandshuset Konferens, Snickarbacken 4, Stockholm

Dervla O’Reilly
Program & Event Manager
Kantara Initiative
+1 415 731 4487 business
+1 509 757 4487 fax

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