There are discussions and meeting on the go right now. Of interest is also the privacy take on it
Hey Guys,
Hope this finds you all well...
Have you heard about this "Trusted Identities" program? FYI
Since I had not seen anyone comment or raise this in our group, I wanted to reach out and get the collective opinion of this...
This sounds very much like what we were up to in the Liberty Alliance Program, now Kantara...
I am not really sure what/why the US Govt is trying to do here given that the industry is already working to do this, and have been for quite a while. Are they going to "choose" one system and mandate it within its physical borders? Is this a mess waiting to happen or can it ever be "real, effective, and scaleable?"
Inquiring minds need to know.
Rob Marano
Arnold H. Glasow - "Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time."
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