There are discussions and meeting on the go right now.  Of interest is also the privacy take on it

On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 10:39 AM, Rob Marano <> wrote:
Hey Guys,

Hope this finds you all well...

Have you heard about this "Trusted Identities" program?  FYI

Since I had not seen anyone comment or raise this in our group, I wanted to reach out and get the collective opinion of this...

This sounds very much like what we were up to in the Liberty Alliance Program, now Kantara...

I am not really sure what/why the US Govt is trying to do here given that the industry is already working to do this, and have been for quite a while.  Are they going to "choose" one system and mandate it within its physical borders?  Is this a mess waiting to happen or can it ever be "real, effective, and scaleable?"

Inquiring minds need to know.
Rob Marano
Arnold H. Glasow - "Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time."

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