Ah geez.  My plan was just to ride off into the sunset and cross paths with you guys when and where we did--which we will.  This world isn't *that* big!  But it's good to know that when I die I'll be eulogized well :).  Just kidding.  And no, I don't say "goodbyes"; I say "see you later", which I will.
What a terrific way to start a Friday; you made me cry.  I have been so blessed to spend time with so many of you.  My first Liberty meeting I had Malin with me as a babe-in-arms (yes, crazy--me, now her!)--she was 6 months old.  She's now 8 1/2 years old.  Maybe it was that first meeting that turned her into the spitfire that she is--never slows down, never turns off, never scared of anything, a friend to all and able to make anyone, any time enjoy being there.  Parallels what I've seen in our organization and the people who run it. 
Some of my favorite people, teachers and friends in the world are on here--wow!  As I crossed each of your names, it triggered wonderful personal memories that I've had with each of you.  Man I've been lucky with the associations I've had, the futsol games I've played, the barreling taxi rides I've taken, strange food I've eaten, the new babies I've been able to hold, the new places I've explored, and the list goes on and on.  Thanks.
My friendships with each of you are far better than any vacation home in Hawaii anyway.....although I would have invited all of you to visit :).  Just kidding.  I look forward to seeing you all again and again and again, and I'm never more than an email away!   And yes, Robin spilled the secret here.  I am very excited that I now can devote my attentions to full time python wrangling--thanks to this organization, I did discover that as my one true calling in life (if you ignore the fear in my eyes). 

Stay in touch and thanks for taking the time to do this--it really means a lot.  You all will still forever be my family (yes, every family has a crazy Uncle Bob somewhere in it--we have our Conor, so we're all set!) with a constant reminder in front of me everyday as I watch Malin grow, and I revel in your success.