On 2/08/2011 7:49 AM, Tony Rutkowski wrote:
> "Rights to anonymity." Surely you are joking.
> In law, there is no such network based right. In technology, there is
> no such capability.

You're wrong there. European and Australian information privacy law
expressly provides individuals with the right to transact anonymously.

> Like Scott McNealy said rather publicly in 1995 - Privacy: get over
> it.
> --tony
> On 8/1/2011 5:38 PM, Stephen Wilson wrote:
>> (3) If you use crime prevention as the rationale for taking away
>> users' rights to anonymity ...

Stephen Wilson
Managing Director
Lockstep Group

Phone +61 (0)414 488 851

Lockstep Consulting provides independent specialist advice and analysis
on digital identity and privacy.  Lockstep Technologies develops unique
new smart ID solutions that enhance privacy and prevent identity theft.