The Smedinghoff family has been touched by the outpouring of support from people around the world looking for ways to help continue Anne’s work. In lieu of sending flowers, we ask that you consider supporting organizations that are engaged in the same great work that Anne dedicated herself to so selflessly.
Aschiana Foundation:
To provide education and training to working street children through Aschiana in Afghanistan.
Afghan Girls Financial Assistance Fund:
To aid young Afghan women who seek a college education in the USA. AGFAF
identifies promising young women, matches them with participating
educational institutions and American host families and provides
financial support for expenses not covered by either these institutions
or host families.
Help the Afghan Children:
Dedicated to improving the lives of children in Afghanistan through
quality education and helping them become educated, healthy, productive
SOLA, Afghanistan (School of Leadership, Afghanistan):
Dedicated to furthering education and leadership opportunities in
Afghanistan and the world for the new generation of Afghanistan,
especially for women.