Hello again.
I've disclosed another piece on my blog about my belief that the individual is the underpinning axiom behind identity; a concept which I think the identity communities here and society in general are yet to accept and embrace.
My Clique Space(TM) concept is ultimately based on the abstract notion of the individual - the only entity in this world which has the capability of making assertions. The individual is expressed in Clique Space as a collection of Clique Space Elements which are used to organise and project an individual's identity thorugh any type of device one wishes one's presence to be known.
I hope you might find that what I'm trying to put together piques interest in what you're doing.

Employment-from-home. Make mine part-time. Yes you can.
Software developers certainly can be salaried and superannuated part-time from home. Make it so for this one.
Clique Space(TM): A seat for the soul.