We invite you to join us for the second ID Collaboration Day, February 27,2012 in San Francisco, prior to the RSA Conference.

Regular registration at $175 ends on February 20, the fee thereafter is $225.

Registration: http://idcollab2.eventbrite.com/

Breakfast/Registration begins at 8am.   Agenda creation begins at 9am and the event closes at 5pm.

Last year’s event was a successful collaboration between IIW/IDCommons and Kantara Initiative. This year IDTrust & OASIS are additional collaborating organization.

We are excited about the opportunity that RSA brings with the wide range of security professionals in town that week.

Managed and organized by and like IIW – the agenda will be created live and in real time the morning of the event.  This provides the opportunity for a range of real work to be done in real time about key emerging topics and issues.

You can see topics from previous events on the IIW wiki - http://iiw.idcommons.net

The venue is the same location as last year – close to downtown and a short cab, subway or taxi ride from Moscone Center.

Draft Agenda:

8:00 Registration & Breakfast
9-10 Agenda Creation
10-11 Session 1
11-12 Session 2
12-1 Lunch
1-2 Session 3
2-3 Session 4
3-4 Session 5
4-5 Closing

Dervla O’Reilly
Program & Event Manager
Kantara Initiative
+1 415 731 4487 business
+1 509 757 4487 fax

Learn more about Kantara Initiative membership: http://kantarainitiative.org/wordpress/membership/