Dear Kantara Community, 

Please excuse this advertising nature of this email as it is not the intention to spam the Kantara Community, but, to raise support for a revolution in data control with the creation of real consent. 

In the last week in the Consent & Information Sharing-WG was apart of the MIT Media Labs Future Commerce Hackathon & Unconference, and we have developed a a project for a Privacy Day (Jan 28) campaign called - I Don’t Agree. 
The aim of the I Don’t Agree campaign is to create a civic action that will carry from 2016 until 2017 and was designed to put the CIS work to good use in a pilot that uses both the MVCR:Consent Receipt and also experiments with asserting consent preference and user submitted terms.  The project is about recognising that what is called consent is not real consent, it is at best assent, through contracts of adhesion.   

Real consent is open, it is a right we have, not a contract of adhesion, with the  unreadable expectation that people read un-readable terms.   At this time, people are not able to see what they have consented to, unable to withdraw consent, and unable to provide companies with their own preferences in order to create trust.  Companies are themselves burdened with closed policy infrastructure, where each company has their own version of what privacy is, and your customers have no clear way to see the good  people who wish to control their own data. 

So far, the project includes a Presentation made at the hackathon and a mock up a landing page called

This CIS project has the support of Sandy Peatland’s team and Dazza from MIT Media labs. This was presented to the  European Commission, who also is now looking to endorse and support this project.  

With this campaign, we aim to trail blaze a new era in personal data control, and to create a project that is an anchor for interoperability that can ignite the personal data ecosystem.  The project has the ambition of running until Feb 2017. Holding workshops and focusing on interoperability of protocols, projects and products that enable people to create trust and express consent preferences in an open trust based marketplace.  Over the next 14 months we aim to build real infrastructure for people to manage their own data and we aim to facilitate this infrastructure to people on Privacy Day Jan 28, 2017,   

The project is strategically planned to correspond with the fall of the Safe Harbor agreement and the announcement of new European Data Protection Regulation that will clearly specify the requirement for real consent in information sharing, before it comes into force in 2017.

As this is not the typical standard or trust focused project in Kantara I would like to invite members of the Kantara community to show your support, with your company logo, and/or to provide a pledge of financial support so that we can kick off this project across not only the USA, but Europe as well. 

If you are interested in showing your support please get in touch directly, pass this email around and participate as individual by standing up and saying “I Don’t Agree” on Jan 28, 2016. 

Kind Regards, 

Mark Lizar
Consent & Information Sharing Work Group