All - Many thanks to all who attended the Kantara Initiative Workshop at RSA this year. The room was _packed_ (with standing room only at one point), and I heard a number of fantastic comments from attendees about the presentations... many who wanted more detail on some presentations. Along those lines, many thanks to the many energetic and informative presenters and panelists we had on stage. Of course, PayPal's Andrew "Rock Star" Nash was a crowd favorite, as was Google's Eric Sachs (too bad Chris Messina was wrestled to the ground by the RSA registration system... ask him that story, it's hilarious). Add Patrick Harding (Ping Identity) into the mix talking about securely federating clouds, and you've got an appetizer to his company's all-out party the following night. Rounding out our party was Matthew Gardiner from CA (who earns the dubious distinction of being the first person to utter the term "cloud" during the conference), as well as Chris Sharp from MEDecision who offered up a peek into how the real world deals with cloud identity. We were also able to dive into more into cloud services with Oracle's Uppili Srinivasan and his panelists Gail Coury (Oracle), John Donovan (NetApp), and  Archie Reed (HP). Adding to the panel party was Matthew Gardiner's cross-curring Identity Services Roadmap with Mark Coderre (Aetna), Debbie Bucci (NIH), and Todd Inskeep (Bank of America). ... and who could resist the Prezi(c) by Paul Madsen (NTT), representing his gold-hording country on stage (despite the fact he actually missed the final hockey game while in the air). Besides, who else would include in a presentation about the state of OpenID, SAML, InfoCard, and OAuth a slide depicting the dangers of incorrectly checking for dirty diapers? Finally... much and many thanks to Dervla and Joni for rolling in early on Sunday to set up, and late on Monday to break down. Not to mention all the lead-up work they did (including hounding folks like me to get in our presentations). Thanks! BTW, we'll be adding easier ways to find the presentations soon, but for those of you desperate for them now, here you go: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/IAVyAg Thanks again to everyone who helped make the event a success! Cheers, Trent -- J. Trent Adams =jtrentadams Profile: http://www.mediaslate.org/jtrentadams/ LinkedIN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jtrentadams Twitter: http://twitter.com/jtrentadams