Kantara Initiative’s User-Managed Access (UMA) WG will hold their first-ever UMA Twitter chat on Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2012, at 9-10am Pacific time (time chart). If there’s interest, the group will turn this into a regular event.

The chat hashtag is #UMAchat. If you write in, be sure to use it! An easy way to follow along is to use TweetChat.com.

Your hosts will be:

The focus of this chat is:

…or whatever UMA-related topics you want to float!

If you have any comments or suggestions ahead of time, feel free to tweet directly to the hosts, and/or include the hashtag #UMAchat or #UMAWG to get our attention.

UMA Chat details: bit.ly/ymAKIZ

Dervla O’Reilly
Program & Event Manager
Kantara Initiative
+1 415 731 4487 business
+1 509 757 4487 fax

Learn more about Kantara Initiative membership: http://kantarainitiative.org/wordpress/membership/