Dear Kantara Initiative Members:

This is an All Member Ballot to approve the release of the following Draft Recommendations as Kantara Initiative Recommendations.

Title of Draft Recommendation: User-Managed Access (UMA) Profile of OAuth 2.0
Copy of Draft Recommendation:

Title of Draft Recommendation: OAuth 2.0 Resource Set Registration
Copy of Draft Recommendation:

This All-Member Ballot is open to all Members of Kantara Initiative.
  • Each Member organization may cast only one vote.  
  • The Primary Representative from each Member organization should cast the Member's vote.
  • If you are unsure who your Primary Representative is please contact for assistance.
Approval of this All Member Ballot requires a "Supermajority of those Voting, with at least 15% of all Members voting" (i.e. at least 75% of those casting a vote must vote to Approve).
     Vote here:

This ballot will close on March 23, 2015 at 23:59 UTC (4:59pm PT (UTC-7)) . 

Should you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Kind regards,


Marissa Jadrosich
Program Manager for Kantara Initiative
Phone:  732-465-5895