Registration is open for IHE Connectathon 2015

Secure your place among industry leaders at North America's largest interoperability testing event.


View the infographic to see the opportunities, challenges and accomplishments for each day. Can your crew brave five days of interoperability testing?


Take the lead to advance your products and resolve problems in real-time by testing interoperability against other vendors at the IHE North American Connectathon, January 26-30, 2015. You'll join over 100 participating vendors and 600+ engineers and IT architects at the Cleveland Convention Center and HIMSS Innovation Center in Cleveland, Ohio. To learn more,register now for the Registration Kick-Off webinar this afternoon.

"I'm ready to sign up for the Connectathon now. Game on."

Ready. Set. Go: Begin the four-step Connectathon registration process here.

Questions? Email Sarah Willis-Garcia.