Below is an event we think would be of interest to the Kantara community. A 10% discount has been extended to Kantara - please enter the code 'kantara' when registering. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Workshop: Online Constituent Identity Nov 12, Washington, DC Uniting the identity and citizen engagement software communities Creating sustainable online constituent identity solutions that serve the needs of citizens, advocacy groups, and elected representatives. Link to full details: http://j.mp/ocID1 - early registration discounts expire Oct. 29. And for more info on the association itself, see the Open Model for Citizen Engagement website at http://om4ce.org/. Cheers, Dervla ________________________ Dervla O’Reilly Program Manager Kantara Initiative +1 415 731 4487 business +1 415 948 3650 mobile +1 415 202 5212 Skype +1 509 757 4487 fax dervla[at]kantarainitiative[dot]org http://www.kantarainitiative.org