On behalf of Roger Sullivan, President, Kantara Initiative

Kantara Community,

We are happy to announce that the Identity Assurance Framework (IAF) Version 2.0 has passed the All-Member Ballot and is now the first official Kantara Initiative Recommendation!.   

This newly approved first set of Kantara Recommendations on IAF brings an operational framework to the marketplace that is now available for adoption and usage. If you want to get a better understanding of the framework, review the glossary, levels of assurance and overview at the Kantara Initiative site.

Congratulations to the Identity Assurance Work Group (IAWG) and it’s members for their diligent work in completing this Recommendation and
 thanks to everyone who voted. This is a major milestone for Kantara Initiative and, I am sure the first of many groundbreaking and important Recommendations that will be produced by Kantara Initiative in the coming years.

Kudos to everyone for their hard work and contributions.  We're proud of our team and the great strides they are making.

Roger Sullivan
Kantara Initiative

Dervla O’Reilly
Program Manager
Kantara Initiative
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