Kantara Initiative announces eValid8 as their first Accredited Assessor

Kantara Initiative is proud to announce eValid8 as their first Accredited Assessor for the Identity Assurance Accreditation and Certification Program.

The Identity Assurance Accreditation and Certification Program is committed to helping drive organizational interoperability in order to assure trust in the identity-based experience of end users, Relying Parties and Federation Operators. Kantara-Accredited Assessors perform Assessments of Credential Service Providers based on the Kantara Initiative Identity Assurance Framework and provide a Kantara Assessment Report (KAR) to the Kantara Initiative Assurance Review Board (ARB). The ARB then makes its recommendations to the Board of Trustees concerning the granting of Kantara-approved service status based on the KAR.

The Certification Program assesses applicants against strict criteria according to the Level of Assurance desired to be attained, and grants to candidates of the program the right to use the Kantara Initiative Mark, a symbol of trustworthy identity and credential management services at specified Assurance Levels. The results of this certification program are maintained electronically on the Kantara Initiative website in the Kantara Initiative Trust Status List, which lists both approved services and accredited assessors.

Kantara Initiative is pleased to begin work with eValid8.  The Kantara Initiative Identity Assurance Accreditation and Certification program is now accepting Credential Service Provider applications for Certification. Please address queries regarding the Identity Assurance Accreditation and Certification Program to staff[at]kantarainitiative[dot]org or via our Contact Us form.

eValid8 are a certified IT auditing firm and recognized as a leader in the field of identity management, IT auditing, privacy impact assessment, and regulatory compliance.

Dervla O’Reilly
Program Manager
Kantara Initiative
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