Nov 1, 2011 at the Ronald Reagan International Trade Center, Washington, DC
Presented in conjunction with the SCA Government Conference
Complimentary registration: - please use the code "KW24" to attendance to the Kantara Summit only. Please select the "One-Day Pre-Conference Workshop" option when registering.
Kantara Initiative is dedicated to providing platforms and resources for the growth and enrichment of the identity landscape. This Summit will contain presentations, panels and discussion from diverse market leaders discussing industry efforts focused on governance, assurance, certification and in particular how this relates to NSTIC. Learn about current progress and new community efforts underway.
8:00-9:00 Breakfast
9:00-9:15 Kantara Overview - Joni Brennan, Executive Director
9:15-10:00 Session 1 NSTIC progress - Governance, Privacy & Technical workshops (20 mins. preso, remaining Q&A)
10:00:10:45 Panel 1 - Smarter Card: Strong Authentication and Rich identity (related to Session 1) - Pete Palmer, Myisha Frazier Mc-Elveen, Colin Soutar
11:00-12:00 Session 2 - Kantara eGov steps to promote trusted cyber identities, lessons for NSTIC - Salvatore D'Agostino, IDmachines (20 mins. preso, remaining Q&A)
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-13:45 Panel 2 (related to Session 2)
13:45-14:30 Session 3 - PIDS Project HIA (Pete Palmer) & Certification Program (20 mins. preso, rest Q&A)
14:30-14:45 Break
14:45-15:30 Panel 3 (related to Session 3) - Pete Palmer
15:30-16:00 Round-up/Q&A
After the workshop, stick around for the conference. 4-Day CombiPass registration gives you a discount to both events:
Smart Strategies for Secure Identity, November 2-4, 2011
Ronald Reagan International Trade Center, Washington, DC
The conference surveys opportunities and challenges for government issuers, accreditation and testing authorities, procurement programs, and the industry to meet the government's market demands. The conference features comprehensive coverage of efforts toward strong authentication technology in government identity programs, including federal and non-federal Personal Identity Verification (PIV) credentials, developments in National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC), trusted ID on the Internet and on mobile devices, developments in state and local ID, as well as evolving global standards. Presentations emphasize real-world use-cases directly from the implementors and administrators. The conference draws key decision makers from every level of government and industry. Over 700 will attend, including government and industry executives, administrators and technologists.