Hello Kantara Community,

The Kantara Initiative is ultimately designed by its Members.  This week, two ballots have gone out:

1. Kantara Initiative All-Member Ballot - Identity Assurance Framework
2. Kantara Initiative Trustee At-Large 2013 Ballot

If the At-Large ballot is passed, the Government of Canada and TERENA will be re-elected to the Kantara Board of Trustees.

The IAF documents under review are:
* Kantara IAF-1300 Assurance Assessment Scheme v 3.0
* Kantara IAF-1400 Service Assessment Criteria v 3.0
* Kantara IAF-1800 Rules governing Assurance Assessments v 1.0
Document location:  http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/PQAK

If you are a Kantara Member and did not see those ballots, please send a note to staff@kantarainitiative.org

Heather Flanagan
Technical Program Coordinator
Kantara Initiative
Skype: hlflanagan
email: heather@kantarainitiative.org