
As you are likely aware, the NSTIC team has moved forward with NSTIC Governance Recommendations [1].  If you have not done so already, community members should take time to familiarize themselves with the contents of the response.  Note that the contents of the response were directly influenced by input from a broad spectrum of Identity Ecosystem stakeholders - which includes the direct responses from Kantara Initiative stakeholders.  Kantara Members and Participants should take pride in the contributions that have been made to date and moving forward to the NSTIC progress.

Additionally, the NSTIC team has release a Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO) [2] which captures guidelines and details for stakeholders to submit proposals to request Federal funding of pilot programs and activities which support the fostering of an Identity Ecosystem as identified in the National Strategy.  The FFO states that proposals, paper and electronic, must be delivered by not later than 17:00 EST on Wednesday March 7th.

While Kantara Initiative will not submit direct proposals for pilots facing NSTIC pilot funding, Kantara will play the role in connecting our Members and partners who plan to submit proposals for this FFO.  I am aware that some Kantara WGs/DGs have already started discussing proposal opportunities which they might submit.  My suggestion is that Kantara revive our NSTIC DG as a central point for interested stakeholders to gather and manage their discussions for pilots. 

Next Steps:
1. DO - Share thoughts regarding pilot proposals as you find appropriate via this community list with your peers
2. DO - Sign up for the NSTIC DG [3]
3. DO - Share your input via the NSTIC DG and network with your peers
4. DON'T - share information which you or your organization wish to be confidential in nature. (in this case network directly with your peers - Kantara staff will assist you to make contacts as appropriate.)


- serves as a coordination point for these activities - to assist individuals and organizations to connect to better their respective proposals. 
- may develop recommendations for organizational activities of Kantara which address the developing NSTIC activities and progress.

FFO IMPORTANT Dates: Abbreviated proposals, paper and electronic, must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Wednesday, March 7, 2012. Abbreviated proposals received after this deadline will not be reviewed or considered. Review of abbreviated proposals and selection of finalists is expected to be completed by Thursday, March 22, 2012. Full proposals, paper and electronic, must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Monday, April 23, 2012. Full proposals received after this deadline will not be reviewed or considered. Review of full proposals, selection of successful proposers, and award processing is expected to be completed in July 2012. The earliest anticipated start date for awards under this FFO is expected to be September 1, 2012.

[1] http://www.nist.gov/nstic/2012-nstic-governance-recs.pdf
[2] http://www.nist.gov/nstic/2012-nstic-ffo-01.pdf
[3] http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/nstic/Home

As always, my door is open for direct comments or questions stakeholders may have.  You may contact me directly and/or use the community/nstic-dg lists to have broader discussions.

Thank you Kantara community for your efforts and input regarding NSTIC to date and thank you for your continued support regarding the development of NSTIC toward the fostering of a voluntary, privacy-respecting Identity Ecosystem for ALL!

Note: I've cross posted this message to a few lists.  If you are not a member of each of those lists you will see bounce messages IF you reply to all.  FYI - the community list is 'open' to all respondents.  If you are unsure just respond to community@.  thx!


Joni Brennan
Kantara Initiative | Executive Director
voice:+1 732-226-4223
email: joni @ ieee-isto.org

YouTube: Kantara Initiative - The Bridge to Assurance Communities