Dear Kantara Initiative Inc. Members and Community, Kantara Assurance Assessment Scheme, which explains how the Assurance Program operates, has been revised by the Assurance Review Board (ARB) to introduce process for material changes to a service during its grant period. This AAS revision introduces a specific process which CSPs and their selected Assessors shall follow when Un-scheduled Assessments are required as a result of changes to a CSP and/or its Approved service(s), or when the ARB requests such an assessment, both of which are addressed in §4.7. AAS v5.0 is attached and available at the Kantara website: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/LC/Identity+Assurance+Framew... All revisions between v4.0 and v5.0 are shown with a grey background. Best regards, Ruth Puente Executive Programme Manager Kantara Initiative Inc.