Hackers and Threats Summit – 16 interactive webinars - Live online June 20-21 or afterward on demand.

As new technologies adopted by enterprises multiply so do the threats from state-sponsored actors and persistent cybercriminals. From Stuxnet to Flame, targeted attacks will continue to grow, raising the stakes in the battle against cybercrime.

Join this two-day summit to familiarize yourself with new threats, refresh your thinking on how to protect against perennial ones and learn how leaders in the field are preparing themselves for the future.

Global summit lineup includes:

*Hacktivists Declare War On Business – What Can YOU Do?

Narayan Makaram, Director of Solutions Marketing Enterprise Security, Hewlett-Packard

*Identity and Access Management: Strong Authentication and Compromises - Salvatore D’Agostino, CEO, IDmachines LLC & Chair of Kantara Initiative’s Attribute Management DG

*Understanding Vulnerabilities to Better Mitigate Threats - Brian Gorenc, Manager of Digital Vaccine Group, HP DVLabs

*IPv6 – Security Threat or Stronger Defenses? - Joe Klein, Security Researcher, IPv6 Cyber Security Forum

Register to attend at http://www.brighttalk.com/r/kPC

Dervla O’Reilly
Program & Event Manager
Kantara Initiative
+1 415 731 4487 business
+1 509 757 4487 fax

Learn more about Kantara Initiative membership: http://kantarainitiative.org/wordpress/membership/