Hi Hannes.

On 13 June 2013 01:47, Tschofenig, Hannes (NSN - FI/Espoo) <hannes.tschofenig@nsn.com> wrote:

Hi Owen,


While it may seem that the identity management system for things is the same as for people (on an abstract) there are a few additional requirements IoT brings along. The most important aspect is that there are various limitations (in terms of code size, memory, bandwidth, battery life) of these devices. For that reason not all of the work that was suitable for a laptop/tablet/smart phone environment is also immediately applicable to the IoT environment.


If you want to read more about it have a look at two workshop reports:


Smart Object Workshop Report:



Smart Object Security Workshop Report:



(Smart Objects = Internet of Things)



Certainly. connecting every diode, every capacitor, every transistor, and any other small electrical component to Clique Space would be an odd thing to consider reasonable. And surely, not every electronic component which may stand alone would be able to be connected. But the requirements for connecting components to a Clique Space are not onerous, and in most cases, I think connecting such components is reasonable.

The only thing a device has to do is to be able to do whatever function it does, AND 1: to be able to tell another device what it is doing. I think this is well within the conceivable realm for most devices. An additional advantageous characteristic a device might possess is 2: the ability to be controlled by another device. If a device has the characteristic 1, then it would be able to be modelled within a Clique Space. If a device has both 1 and 2, it could be modelled and controlled from a Clique Space. I don't think it conceivably useful that a device have 2 without having 1, but I could be wrong.

Amongst the large number of device types that can be connected to a Clique Space are devices which can render to a display screen or otherwise represent the activity of other devices. These devices are used by individuals to control the activity of all the devices they possess to meet their individual aims. I've called these type of devices View/Persistence Mechanism (V/PM) devices because the individual has available to them, the potential to view and persist the device activity stream as the capability of the device permits.

Perhaps a final relevant side-note to make is to underscore what a device is to a Clique Space. A device is anything which encloses a minimal functional state sufficiently capable of being represented as a set of Enabling Constraints in a node Media Profile. Media Profiles are hierarchical, so one device type might build on the functionality of one or more others simply by "inheriting" the node Media Profiles describing the functionality of these other devices. With this very loose, but systematic definition, any object physical or algorithmic, has the potential of becoming known to and aware of one or more Clique Spaces to which it is connected.


Employment-from-home. Make mine part-time. Yes you can.
Software developers certainly can be salaried and superannuated part-time from home. Make it so for this one.
Clique Space(TM): A seat for the soul.