A new working group is in the process of being formed at Identity Commons. You can see the proposed charter here: http://wiki.idcommons.net/Claims_Agent_Charter As I hope is clear, the intent is to incorporate, build on, and add value to the work of many other existing efforts in the interest of both efficiency and reducing fragmentation of technologies in this space. This effort is initially focused on a fairly narrow scenario: Claims come from government, health and education sources and are verified by some source-dependent means Supported RPs include those at the same institutions that provided the claims, different agencies at different levels of governments and across national borders, as well as commercial organizations. Claims are exchanged in a way that helps protect the privacy of the citizen and security requirements of the claims provider (specific mechanisms employed depend on the scenario). If that scenario is of interest to you, please consider adding your name to the list near the bottom of the charter. You need only an OpenID to do so. Paul.