Hi Joni. See my responses in situ below.

On 13 June 2013 01:08, Joni Brennan <joni@ieee-isto.org> wrote:
Hi Owen,

Thank you for this interesting perspective.  However, the Internet of Things (IoT) includes individuals as a layer.  IoT includes things and entities as well.  All of these intersect.

Yea, the internet is composed of devices. All these devices are put wherever they are put to serve the purposes of the individual who put them there. I don't see how individuals need to be called a "layer"... an individual merely possesses devices which interact by the direction of the individual who possesses them; often with devices that another individual possesses. Clique Space is a system that models and mediates this activity.
 As part of our scope, Kantara intends to focus on Identity of Things.

Maybe my ignorance, but I don't really see why things and individuals can be considered separately if you're going to deal with the subject of identity - which is important to the individual's claim for possession of things. I don't understand the necessity of considering individuals as "layers" in a system. The relationship between the individual and the things (or devices) one possesses is very intuitive, and I don't see the necessity for making it any more complicated than it appears.



Employment-from-home. Make mine part-time. Yes you can.
Software developers certainly can be salaried and superannuated part-time from home. Make it so for this one.
Clique Space(TM): A seat for the soul.