Hello Kantara Community,

This note is a reminder to join our Board of Trustee Liaison Sub-Committee.  This committee should be of interest to Kantara Members and LC Members who would like to provide review to liaison documents which are confidential (due to originating organization confidentiality).

We currently have a set of ISO documents up for review completion this week.  If you are a Kantara Member or LC Member who would like to join the review please join the committee [1] for access to the review materials, mail list and wiki space.

[1] http://signup.kantarainitiative.org/liaison-sub-committee/

As always, don't hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns. 

Best Regards,


On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 9:41 AM, Joni Brennan <joni@ieee-isto.org> wrote:
Dear Kantara Initiative Community,

This message is to announce the formation of a new Board of Trustee Sub-Committee - the Liaison Sub-Committee.  This sub-committee performs reviews of CONFIDENTIAL documents submitted by external organizations including: ISO, ITU-T, OASIS, and more.

Who may join:
How to join:
Take note that the documents submitted to this sub-committee are CONFIDENTIAL and, as such, all discussions regarding these documents are also CONFIDENTIAL to comply with the conditions set by external organizations.  We are pleased to bring our Members this sub-committee opportunity as a new benefit to your Kantara Initiative Membership.  We look forward to your participation in the new BoT Liaison Sub-Committee! 

Additionally, there is a current set of CONFIDENTIAL documents submitted by ISO SC27/WG5 regarding projects: 29100, 29101, 29190, 24760, 29115, 29146, and 29191 for Kantara Initiative Member review and comment.  Comments are due in advance of March 10 2011.  Note: the Liaison Sub-Committee may schedule teleconferences as needed to coordinate responses for submission back to originating organizations.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this new Membership Benefit please don't hesitate to reach out to me directly.


Joni Brennan
Kantara Initiative | Executive Director
voice:+1 732-226-4223
email: joni @ ieee-isto.org
gtalk: jonibrennan
skype: upon request

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