Dear IDAM colleagues,

Happy new year!

And apologies for any cross-posting.

I am helping a government policy body work out the potential division of labor between agencies and systems integrators when deploying federated identity services.  A classic case is an agency wishing to use a third party IdP (like a commercial service, or another government agency IdP); assuming such an agency does not have a core team of IDAM experts and engineers sitting on the bench (!), the agency needs to access varying amounts of policy advice, IDAM know-how, software modules, template user documents, training, integration resources and testers.

A few years ago, as FIPS-201/PIV was taking off, there was an emerging ecosystem of big SIs (HP, IBM, CSC etc IIRC) standing by to help get US govt agencies on board.  This experience would be instructive. I think the SIs were getting close to a cafeteria model where expert IDAM implementation assistance could be tailored to each agencies' capabilities.

More recently, we obviously have a number of NSTIC pilots ramping up. Maybe there has been some lessons already in those environments of how to do systems integration.

My question is, does anyone know of best practices or lessons learned for IDAM systems integration?

Thanks in advance for any public resources.




Stephen Wilson
Managing Director
Lockstep Group
M:   +61 (0)414 488 851
T:   @steve_lockstep

Lockstep Consulting provides independent specialist advice and analysis
on digital identity and privacy.  Lockstep Technologies develops unique
new smart ID solutions that enhance privacy and prevent identity theft.