Dear Community,

This month I was pleased to discussed the shift to IRM in the OECD Internet Technical Advisory Committee (ITAC) June newsletter. The newsletter is distributed to all delegates of all 34 OECD countries.  The newsletter is packed with high quality articles regarding, economic growth, Identity Relationship Management, Privacy guidelines, Security guidelines, IPV6 for IoT and more.

Please feel free to forward the newsletter to interested parties.  If you would like to know more about the OECD-ITAC please let me know.

Best Regards,

Joni Brennan
Kantara Initiative | Executive Director
voice:+1 732-266-8994
email: joni @

We are pleased to announce the publication of the third edition of the Internet Technical Advisory Committee (ITAC) to the OECD newsletter. We hope that this publication will contribute to providing concrete illustrations and practices of the evolving multistakeholder model of Internet policy development, and create opportunities for new partnerships:

    ITAC Newsletter n° 3, June 2014

    The ITAC Newsletter is a bi-annual update on the activities of the Internet Technical Advisory Committee to the OECD's Committee on Digital Economy Policy and its working parties.
    1. Table of Contents 

      From Seoul 2008 to Mexico 2016: On the Road to Cooperation and Economic Growth

      By Constance Bommelaer  Senior Director, Global Policy Partnerships, and Nicolas Seidler, Policy Advisor, The Internet Society
      By Kathy Brown, CEO & President, The Internet Society 
      By Jane Hamilton,  Senior Policy Advisor, Industry Canada, Chair, OECD WPSPDE 
      By Joni Brennan, Executive Director,  Kantara Initiative
      By Government Engagement Group, ICANN
      By Adiel Akplogan, CEO, AFRINIC

      OECD Privacy Experts Round-table 

      By Robin Wilton, Technical Outreach for Identity and Privacy, The Internet Society   

      Previous Newsletters
      Newsletter N°1 May 2013 
      Newsletter N°2 December 2013

  1. By Constance Bommelaer  Senior Director, Global Policy Partnerships, and Nicolas Seidler, Policy Advisor, The Internet Society

    Back in June 2008, the OECD Seoul Ministerial meeting articulated a collective vision of a future economy and society supported by the Internet.


    Significantly, this vision was to be sustained and strengthened by the concerted action of diverse stakeholders; not only governments and business - which were originally part of the OECD processes - but also civil society and the Internet technical community.  Read More
  2. By Vint Cerf,  Internet Pioneer

    William Gibson is reported to have said: “The future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed.” Whether this is an accurate quote or not, it captures precisely what we are (slowly) facing as IPv6 moves from its 15 year slumber from about 1996 to the June 6, 2011 world IPv6 day when many operators of Internet services turned on IPv6 for a day. It was turned on, again, permanently on June 6, 2012. Two years since that time, one is beginning to see growth in the use of this important protocol in support of an expanded address space. Read More
  3. By Kathy Brown, CEO & President, The Internet Society

    We are in the midst of a very busy global policy dialogue on Internet governance and, in fact, 2014 could be an inflection point in shaping the future of the Internet and its governance. In an increasingly complex environment, stakeholders are seeking global guidelines and frameworks to address a wide range of local requirements.  Read More
  4. By Jane Hamilton, Senior Policy Advisor, Industry Canada, Chair, OECD Working Party on Security and Privacy in the Digital Economy

    In 2013, the Working Party on Security and Privacy in the Digital Economy Information Security and Privacy[1] launched its review of the 2002 OECD Guidelines for the Security of Information Systems and Networks by organizing an informal multistakeholder consultation of experts from its membership and beyond, to facilitate a discussion of the need for revisions to the Guidelines.  The scope of the discussion was broad and ambitious.  We explored how the core security principles should be modernized, identified what recommendations the OECD should make to governments, and shared ideas on how international co-operation should be addressed.  Read More
  5. By Joni Brennan, Executive Director,  Kantara Initiative

    In the interest of supporting trust toward economic growth, the OECD Privacy Guidelines provide a tool for privacy best practices supporting European Union data protection legislation (and cultural expectations) as well appropriate transborder flow of personal data. The IEEE-SA and Kantara Initiative provide this article as participating members of the OECD-ITAC to discuss the changing nature of identity management with more focus toward relationships between people, entities, services, and things. The concepts provided are observations in development within the Kantara Initiative open and transparent community.  Read More
  6. By  Government Engagement Group, ICANN

    The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) was formed in 1998. Then there were about 150 million global Internet users, and only 7 Generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs). Today there are more than 3 billion Internet users, with at least 300 gTLDs (many of them offering names in non-Latin scripts) by the end of 2014.  Read More
  7. By Adiel Akplogan, CEO, AFRINIC

    The African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) is the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) for Africa and the Indian Ocean region. Aside from distributing IPv4, IPv6 and Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) to 56 economies in its service region, AFRINIC plays a leading role in capacity building initiatives, including technical training, supporting infrastructure and technology development, community outreach and engagement activities.  Read More
  8. By Robin Wilton, Technical Outreach for Identity and Privacy, The Internet Society

    Subject Access Requests
    What is the data controller’s perspective on subject access requests (SARs)? The bottom line is that, for data controllers, responding to subject access requests requires preparation, investment and effort.  Read More
  9. How to Become a Member

    ITAC provides an avenue for new technical insights to contribute to the work of the OECD. ITAC is open to any Internet technical and research organization that meets the membership criteria listed in the Committee’s Charter.

    ITAC encourages Policymakers, members of Civil Society and Businesses to submit queries regarding any of our work to

    If your organization is interested in joining ITAC and contributing with technically informed advice to the OECD’s development of Internet-related policies, we invite you to visit our website:, to read the “Criteria for Membership” in ITAC’s Charter (Section III). 

    For further Information on ITAC, please contact  us at

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