Trust Frameworks, Deployment Interoperability and eGovernment multi-national scenarios & User Managed Access (UMA) Interop

produced by Kantara Initiative

Details:What: Kantara Initiative Summit 
When: Tuesday, April 17, 2012, 8:00am-1:30pm, Room Galerie  
Where: Dolce Ballhaus Forum, Andreas-Danzer-Weg, 85716 Unterschleißheim, Munich, Germany 
(at the European Identity Conference 2012)
Description:2012 brings new opportunities for identity services in the eGovernment and private markets. 
Gain “state-of-identity” insights through a series of presentations of common scenarios from diverse market leaders. 

We will focus on Trust Framework Model, deployment interoperability, and what your organization can do to get involved. We also look forward some open-time Q&A as well as learning more about the experiences the attendees would like to share. 

The User Managed Access (UMA) Interop will show some UMA real-world implementations including: and Fraunhofer AISEC. 

We are also looking forward to hearing feedback and questions from the audience as input to the discussions.
Register:Register for the Kantara Summit via EIC Conference.  40 persons max. capacity. 


8:15-8:30Welcome – Joni Brennan, Executive Director, Kantara Initiative 
8:30-9:15Session 1 
• Mapping The Identity Ecosystem: A multi-national perspective – Christine Runnegar, Senior Policy Advisor, ISOC 
9:15-10:00Session 2 
• Trust Frameworks: Tools to build the Identity Ecosystem – It takes a village! – Joni Brennan, Executive Director, Kantara Initiative 
• Let’s talk Interoperability – Deployment versus Full Matrix Connecting the dots – Joni Brennan, Executive Director, Kantara Initiative
10:15-11:00Session 3 
• eGov SAML 2: Verifying Interoperability in eGovernment Scenarios – Colin Wallis, Authentication Standards Manager, DIA New Zealand Government 
11:00-11:45Session 4 
• Federation Interoperability, SAML2INT, Listing Service – John Bradley, Identity Domain Expert 
- also joined by Kevin Cox, Edentity presenting "Experience of Federating Personal Data with User-Managed Access" 
12:00-1:30Session 5 
• UMA Interop - Maciej Machulak (15mins Summary / Q&A) 
The User-Managed Access (UMA) group has produced a draft technical specification that has been implemented by several organizations so far. This morning, we have been performing UMA interop testing among some UMA implementations. This session will share UMA's latest status, the nature of its integration with OAuth and OpenID Connect, and the progress on these implementations. During lunch, we invite you to visit with the interop testers to see their applications at work. So far, the following implementers are planning to participate: and Fraunhofer AISEC. 
• OpenID Connect Deployment Verification Tool Demo - Roland Hedberg, Umeå University, Sweden, GEANT3, Terena (30mins Overview, Demo / Q&A) 
A session to discuss current positive feedback from implementers which supports the testing tool as extremely helpful for continuous verification of development work.  A natural next-step after running interoperability workshops is to provide implementers of standards tools that allow continuous verification of the correctness of development code. This session will explain how Kantaras/Geant3s OpenID Connect test facility is one such tool to enable continuous development improvement and heightened interoperability. 
• Closing Remarks – Joni Brennan, Executive Director, Kantara Initiative (30mins / Q&A) 
14:00Opening Keynotes at main Conference