We invite you to participate in the Internet Identity Workshop - East Coast #1 in Washington DC, USA September 9-10, 2010.

Registration: http://iiweast.eventbrite.com/  
Early bird registration ends this Wednesday, August 25.  A special 20% discount is available off the regular rate (except student) - please contact Dervla O'Reilly, dervla[at]kantarainitiative[dot]org for further details. 

Open Identity for Open Government
How does it work?
After the brief introduction on the first day, there are no formal presentations, no keynotes and no panels. After introductions we start with a blank wall and, in less than an hour, with a facilitator guiding the process attendees create a full day, multi-track conference agenda that is relevant and inspiring to everyone there. All are welcome to put forward presentations and propose conversations.
We do this in part because the field is moving so rapidly that it doesn’t make sense to predetermine the presentation schedule months before the event. We do know great people who will be there and it is the attendees who have a passion to learn and contribute to the event that will make it.
The event compiles a book of proceedings with all the notes from the conference.  Here are the proceedings from IIW7, IIW8, IIW9 & IIW10.  BTW these three documents are your key to convincing your employer that this event will be valuable. 
Conference fee covers all meeting meals - lunch Thursday and Friday, dinner Thursday evening.
Details on all IIW events are located here: http://www.internetidentityworkshop.com/


Dervla O’Reilly
Program Manager
Kantara Initiative
+1 415 731 4487 business
+1 415 948 3650 mobile
+1 509 757 4487 fax