Hello - We realize that some people tweet, others email, while others "do social" (FB and LinkedIn etc).  We wanted to capture a couple of interesting tweets as of late for those of you who may not use twitter regularly. 

Please feel free to share the items below with your networks and colleagues.
  1. #MITREid is the latest #Kantara CSP Approved at LoA1 - Congrats to MITREid!! http://bit.ly/ki-csp-mitreid
  2. @NSTICNPO blog calls out #Kantara Initiative recognizing recent trends in verifying ID Ecosystem models. Read More http://bit.ly/17p29WH
  3. Thanks to #Kantara member @TroopID / @IDme on @FedNewsRadio talking #Kantara, #nstic , and #idesg >> listen http://bit.ly/17Yvlpz
Best Regards,
Joni Brennan