Dear Kantara Members,

If you plan to attend the Smart Card Alliance events in Washington DC Oct 14-16, including our summit, please contact me for a special 20% discount registration code. This is only available to current Kantara Members.  We look forward to seeing you there.  Details are below.

- Joni
Executive Director, Kantara Initiative

Kantara Trusted Identity Exchange (TIDX) Summit at Smart Card Alliance on October 14

Please join us! Our workshop will provide expert insights about current and emerging ID Solutions and their flow from instantiation to real-world use. We’ve got an amazing line up and we’d love to hear from you too!

When: October 14
Where: Walter E Washington Convention Center, Washington DC (Co-located with Smart Card Alliance and User Centric ID Live)
Why: If you are seeking to hear from top industry experts how your community can leverage existing “trusted IdM services” or if you’re an IdM service provider seeking to understand how you can expand your lines of business, win more contracts, be part of the innovative world if Trusted IdM ecosystems, this workshop is for you.

Attendees will learn how a Credential Service Provider (CSP) proves they are “trusted” to operate in identity ecosystems.  We’ll cover the evolution of models as well, including CSP service components – aka the de-evolution of “trust frameworks” to focus on Identity Proofing and Credential Management services. Attendees will hear and share lessons learned from emerging partnerships and CSP service re-use across industry verticals.  Most importantly we’ll explain why should your organization get involved!

08:30 – 09:00: Welcome and Call to Action
Welcome to the group from Kantara Board Member Philippe de Raet, Experian, and Kantara Executive Director Joni Brennan.

09:00 – 10:00: Keynote: SecureKey
Covering FCCX, NSTIC, Government Approaches to IdM and Innovations

10:00 – 11:00: Panel: IdM Components in the Real World
Experian, CA and Equifax discussing how components meet service needs and build new products through strategic partnerships.

11:00 – 12:00: Panel: CSP Deployments in the Wild
Mitre and TroopID discuss their services as Credential Service Providers, where they are today and where they see government, commercial, and communities bridging toward the future.

12:00 – 13:00: Networking Lunch
Network with your peers, customers and competitors during the conference lunch hour

13:00 – 14:00: Panel: Inter-Trust – As we see more Trust Frameworks how do we connect for shared Trust across Federations?
MedAllies, Southeast Michigan Health Information Exchange, and IDMachines discuss how to approach connecting Trust Frameworks to keep privacy, security, and Interop while lowering resource burden on vendors.

14:00 – 14:30: Latest and Greatest: Kantara’s latest achievements and roadmap ahead.
Executive Director Joni Brennan shares the latest and greatest achievements from Kantara Initiative as the premier US Trust Framework Provider facing global challenges of borderless Identity and Relationship Management. Share your thoughts on what you’d like to see from Kantara moving ahead.

14:30 – 15:00: Closing Thoughts and Thanks
Kantara Board Member Phil Kenney from CA shares closing remarks and thanks from Kantara Executive Director, Joni Brennan.