Okay, I'm going to add my piece now. I'm going to plug Clique Space, but this thread has been about a product anyway, so why not...

While all of this Web of Trust and Wallet stuff is really interesting (and, sincerely, it is), something I believe has been missing in anyone's definition of identity is the individual. I would think that the only way trust is going to be had by anyone is if those "anyones" are left to be individuals, and no organisation represents itself as an overlord. No one (be they professional or lay) will accept a definition of an individual who is not as sacred in a virtual world of electronic collaboration as the individual is in a physical sense.

So, I've come up with Clique Space. Indeed, Clique Space provides an environment that might be administered by an organisation, but the administration of this environment is only performed for the purposes of maintaining continuity of its operation. Furthermore, a Clique Space may not be considered a singular entity: Clique Spaces may be run independently of each other, or may eve be federated so they can share information.

The sole purpose of Clique Space is to model real-time and near real-time activity of individuals over any combination of devices one might be using with any other combination of devices being used by any other individuals. One has to Connect to a Clique Space and Activate an Affiliation within the Clique Space to use one's one or more devices (called Client Devices) within the Clique Space within which one has obtained a connection.

I envisage a public Clique Space would be set up to provide a general use area. One of the main items of its charter would be that, except for necessary caching to ensure stability of the Clique Space and continuity of its device activity stream, no device activity from any individual would be persisted.

That's enough from me in this message. You might like to read a research proposal paper I put together; a version which, I observe, has been published by one of the many recipients of a copy: http://tinyurl.com/ydcmrw6

Enjoy, and I welcome comment on Clique Space.



Clique Space(TM) Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=81335296379
Owen's Garden of Thought: http://owenpaulthomas.blogspot.com/