+1 to Don Thibeau's encouragement that you consider joining the OpenID Foundation.  I am a proud member of OIDF.

Brett McDowell  |  http://info.brettmcdowell.com  |  http://KantaraInitiative.org

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Don Thibeau \(OIDF ED\)" <don@oidf.org>
Date: November 11, 2009 1:42:51 PM EST
To: <openid-general@lists.openid.net>
Subject: [OpenID] OpenID Foundation Election Open: Message from Executive Director

The OpenID Foundation is holding its second election of community board
members starting today. For this election, six community board seats are
open for election. An FAQ has been posted on www.oidf.net. Of the current
community directors, Mr. Kveton has indicated he will not serve another
term. Mr. Kissel, Mr. Smarr and Mr. Tom have indicated their interest in
continuing to serve. Mr. Messina and Mr. Sakimura were elected to longer
terms as community representatives. On behalf of the foundation, I would
like to thank Scott Kveton for his important service to the Foundation and
wish him well in his new endeavors.

All members of the OpenID Foundation are eligible to nominate themselves,
second the nominations of others who self-nominated, and vote for
candidates.  If you're not already a member of the OpenID Foundation, we
encourage you to join at https://openid.net/foundation/members/registration.

Board participation requires a substantial ongoing investment of time and
energy.  It is a commitment that should not be undertaken lightly.  Rather,
should you be elected, expect to be called upon to serve both on the board
and on its committees where the work of the foundation is conducted, and to
actively contribute.  That being said however, if you're passionate about
OpenID and advancing digital identity, have the time to devote to community
service in this manner, and are a person who gets things done and works well
with others, we welcome your candidacy for the OpenID board of directors. We
welcome your candidacy for community board seats regardless of current or
past company affiliation or employment.

Voting and nominations are conducted using the OpenID you registered when
you joined the Foundation.  Log in at https://openid.net/foundation/members/
with that OpenID to participate in the election.  You may have also received
instructions on how to participate in a separate note from membership at
oidf.org<mailto:membership at oidf.org> if you're already a member.  If you
experience problems participating in the election or joining the foundation,
please send a note to membership@oidf.org

Again six community directors are being elected to the board.  The three
candidates receiving the most votes will serve 2 year terms and the three
candidates receiving the next numbers of votes will serve 1 year terms.)  In
order to be eligible for election, your candidacy must have been seconded by
at least three other members.

The election will be conducted on the following schedule:
               Nominations open:  Monday, November 24
               Nominations close:  Monday, December 8
               Election begins:  Wednesday, December 10
               Election ends:  Wednesday, December 24
               Results announced by:  Wednesday, December 31
               New board terms start:  Thursday, January 1
Times on all dates are Noon, U.S. Pacific Time.

Thank you for participating in advancing OpenID.

Don Thibeau
Executive Director
The OpenID Foundation

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