(This message is sent on the behalf of Matthew Gardiner, President of Kantara Initiative)

Colleagues of the Kantara Initiative

Greetings from Munich Germany where I was attending the European Identity Conference 2010.  A number of other Kantara folk were also in attendance.  As my first note to the community as Kantara president I want to take this opportunity to update you on some changes that have taken place recently within the initiative.  Firstly, we have just said goodbye to a number of colleagues of longstanding, namely the Rogers (both Sullivan & Martin) and Bill Smith.  Roger Sullivan has retired from Oracle and thus simultaneously retired from his position as Kantara President and as a member of the BoT.  Roger Martin has finished up his duties as Interim ED after previously finishing up as AOL’s member of the BoT.  Also with the official phase out of the Liberty Alliance, Bill Smith has finished his duties as the Liberty representative to the BoT.  They all are doing well and wish Kantara nothing but success.  I thank them for their work over the years.

So those are the goodbyes, what about the hellos?
The bottom line is we think this structure and approach continues to position us well to do well for the identity industry and our members. 

One final thought for now…please encourage others both inside and outside your organization to participate in the working/discussion groups, become full members, as well as take part in the interoperability and assurance programs, as we literally need to bring the community together to take the industry forward faster.

Best Regards,
Matthew Gardiner

Matthew Gardiner
Director of Product Marketing
Security & Compliance BU
CA, Inc.