Dear Kantara Community, Please find included details of your possible interest regarding an upcoming IEEE-ISTO Member only webinar. Kantara Initiative Members are eligible to attend. Registration information is included. Best Regards - Joni IEEE-ISTO is hosting a member only webinar on 30 September. In this webinar, you will hear from IEEE-ISTO program leaders on the topic of Intellectual Property <http://bit.ly/1MpNrIA>. For full details, please see below. *IEEE-ISTO Member Only Webinar* *What *- IEEE-ISTO Webinar - Managing Ecosystem Intellectual Property: Driving Successful Outcomes via Market Collaborations *When *- 30 September 2015, 11 AM EDT *Abstract* While technical associations and other organizations regularly generate intellectual property, protecting and leveraging it is rarely a top priority. In this webinar, you will learn: - How intellectual property considerations are managed in some IEEE-ISTO federation member programs - Understand the value of the policies they employ - Leverage your association’s intellectual property - Discover models that can potentially grow non-dues revenue and create value for your members *This special presentation is exclusive for IEEE-ISTO member program participants. * <http://bit.ly/1MpNrIA> *Speakers* *Adam Newman*, Sr. Director Business Development & Alliance Management, IEEE and IEEE-ISTO Executive Relationship Manager Mr. Newman has more than 20 years industry experience in developing and managing business related to technology development. He is responsible for developing and diversifying the business of the IEEE Standards Association as well as the IEEE Industry Standards Technology Association. He’s been an in demand speaker at conferences throughout the world on technical and business issues surrounding telecommunications interconnection, numbering and number portability and he holds a patent in that area. He has also provided testimony at the Congressional and Senate Committee and Sub-Committee level and has been a frequenter presenter at the FCC and its North American Numbering Council. He is a member of ASAE. *Peter Lefkin, CAE*, Managing Director, MIPI Alliance, IEEE-ISTO Peter Lefkin is the Managing Director of the MIPI Alliance since February 2011, having returned to the role after leading the establishment of its operational support structure in 2004. The MIPI Alliance Managing Director is the senior staff executive responsible for all MIPI Alliance activities and operations from strategy development to implementation. The Managing Director serves by appointment of the MIPI Alliance Board of Directors. Peter also serves in the role of Corporate Secretary. Prior to joining MIPI Alliance, Peter served in various roles in support of the IEEE Industry Standards and Technology Organization (IEEE-ISTO) as one of two founding employees. Peter served as ISTO’s COO/CFO from January 1999 through February 2009 after which his focus was dedicated to support the vision, mission, goals and growth of the organization through business development and marketing as its Business Development and Marketing Executive from February 2009 through February 2012. During this time, Peter led the formation of the IEEE Conformity Assessment Program (ICAP) in the role of Director to develop conformity assessment programs in support of IEEE Standards. *Joan Brennan*, Executive Director, Kantara Initiative, IEEE-ISTO Joni has over a decade of service to the IEEE Standards Association (SA) and Industry Standards and Technology Organization (IEEE-ISTO) as a Technology Evangelist. In this role, Joni builds diplomatic and collaborative relationships within and across communities of interest. She leads Kantara Initiative as their Executive Director. Kantara Initiative, a Trust Framework Provider, provides Accreditation and Approval verifications for Identity Providers / Credential Service Providers to be deemed qualified to connect to the US federation hub Connect.gov. Joni has helped to ensure that the Kantara Initiative program is aligned with OpenStand principles and referenced in multiple eGovernment strategies including: United States, Government of Canada, New Zealand, and Sweden. She has provided talks around the globe covering Identity Federation and Privacy for organizations including RSA, IdentityNext .SE, Federal Weekly, and CA Luminaries (one of a select chosen industry speakers). She participates in international organizations and industry standards committees including: OECD ITAC, ISOC, IEEE, OASIS SSTC, ISO SC27 WG5, and ITU-T SG17 Q6. She has served as the NSTIC / IDESG Trust Framework WG Chair. She has provided testimony regarding Trusted Identity and Access Management systems for the US Office of National Coordinator (ONC) Health IT Security and Privacy (HITSP) committee as well.