Dear Community,

After a short delay, and some testing, we can now confirm that the mail lists are once again operational.   We had expected the work to be completed by 9am PDT today however there was a short 2 hr delay in service restoration.  Also, I have been advised that any users who sent mail to a list in the last 4 hrs may need to resend those messages.  Please also make a note the the mailman archive URLs have changed slightly.  All of the archive links have been updated in each group workspace on the wiki.

Thanks again to all of your in the community for your patience during these updates.  If you need any assistance, have questions, or suggestions regarding the IT tools please don't hesitate to contact me directly.



Joni Brennan
Kantara Initiative
Director of Technology Programs
voice:+1 732-226-4223
email: joni @
gtalk: jonibrennan

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