Oops. This message was meant to go to everyone in the Kanata community.

I've also made corrections to my grammar...

On 10 January 2012 11:06, Owen Thomas <owen.paul.thomas@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello one and all.

Clique Space (my trademark assertion) may have something to offer this discussion in terms of how it uses "attributes" as a means to increase one's trust in real-time interactions with one or more other people over some set of device types.

When you connect to a Clique Space, you establish your connection through a participating Agent Device. Your connection is like a light source which lets you see what others are doing in the Clique Space. You can connect to a Clique Space more than once and these connections may be through different Agent Device instances. Doing this provides you with different points of view in the Clique Space and other users within it; something which may equate to what is being discussed here about multiple attributes.

Hence, the connections one has to different Agent Devices can be used to mutually verify other devices one can see within the Clique Space; attribute inconsistency would become obvious when information coming from multiple sources were cross-matched in your device as a process of assembly of all the information together to produce a single image of the Clique Space to you as a user.

I hope that's of interest to people here.


Employment-from-home. Make mine part-time.
You've go a job for me working full-time from an office? No thanks.
Clique Space(TM). Practical, Ubiquitous, Individual, and Real-time Security and Identity in Cyberspace.
Research paper on Clique Space: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1714848
Owen's Garden of Thought: http://owenpaulthomas.blogspot.com/
Skype: owen.paul.thomas
Mobile: +61/0 401 493 433