Kantara Initiative is pleased to announce the formation of the Cloud Identity and Security Best Practices (CloudIDSec WG) . Find out below how to join this exciting new group!

The core purpose of the CloudIDSec WG is to identify the overlap between the field of Cloud Computing and the Kantara federated identity programs, with a view to defining:

This Work Group will develop technical specifications and recommendations around:

Thanks to Neil McEvoy, founder of the Cloud Best Practices Network, who will act as Interim Chair.

For more information on the CloudIDSec WG, please visit the home page: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/f4XEAw

Join the CloudIDSec DG: http://signup.kantarainitiative.org/?selectedGroup=33
Review the Charter: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/ioXEAw
Mailing list archive: http://kantarainitiative.org/pipermail/wg-cloudidsec/
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We welcome your participation!
Heather Flanagan
Technical Program Coordinator
Kantara Initiative
Skype: hlflanagan
email: heather@kantarainitiative.org