The core purpose of the CloudIDSec WG is to identify the
overlap between the field of Cloud Computing and the Kantara
federated identity programs, with a view to defining:
- How Cloud Computing can be leveraged to implement
Kantara specifications (e.g. Identity Assurance Framework
components) – This will define specifications for
'IDaaS' – Identity as a Service. What configurations of
software can Cloud Service Providers implement; How can they
be audited to verify compliance, etc.,
- How Kantara can help advance Cloud Security best
practices - Define how Kantara Assurance and
Interop Programs can be applied to enhance security of Cloud
environments, particularly in line with achieving compliance
with Government standards and linked to Government Privacy
Audit policies.
This Work Group will develop technical specifications and
recommendations around:
- IDaaS design models - Technical blueprints
for IDaaS based on Kantara Assurance and Interop
recommendations, criteria and other related Kantara working
group outputs. .
- RFP templates – Enable government issues to
issue tenders for IDaaS approved to their national ID
- Marketing white paper – A joint Kantara /
CBPN white paper on CloudIDSec best practices.
Thanks to Neil McEvoy, founder of the