Hello people.
I'm hoping this might be seen as a reasonable question that other members of this mail list might be able to help me with. I'm looking at the UML for RBAC I have found on Wikipedia (a source as reliable as any I have found) and I find that the Clique Space resource access model (CSRAM... maybe) corresponds loosely to the UML if one makes the following substitutions:
Oganisation -> Clique Space
Role -> Mode Profile
Permission -> Property
Operation -> Enabling Constraint
User/Role Constraint -> Affiliation
Subject -> Sovereign
Session -> Connection
With the exception of the property and the Enabling Constraint, all of these substitutions in the above list are made with Clique Space Elements. The concept of the Enabling Constraint and the Clique Space Elements were disclosed in my patent, but the concept of the property became an artefact that emerged in subsequent development.
However, there appears to be no equivalent in Clique Space to the Role Activation Constraint class in the RBAC UML. I would appreciate it if someone could please point me to an explanation of, or fill me in with the function of the Role Activation Constraint.

Employment-from-home. Make mine part-time. Yes you can.
Software developers certainly can be salaried and superannuated part-time from home. Make it so for this one.
Clique Space(TM): A seat for the soul.