Isn't this marketing and is this appropriate use of this list? Richard G. WILSHER CEO the Zygma partnership LLC Office: +1 714 965 99 42 Mobile (USA): +1 714 797 99 42 Mobile (Eur): +44 77 68 05 41 58 <mailto:RGW@Zygma.biz> RGW@Zygma.biz <BLOCKED::http://www.Zygma.biz> www.Zygma.biz _____ From: community-bounces@kantarainitiative.org [mailto:community-bounces@kantarainitiative.org] On Behalf Of Owen Thomas Sent: 19 October 2009 12:55 To: community@kantarainitiative.org Subject: [Kantara - Community] Clique Space: A concept for an Identity Layer. Hi there people. After doing some research on the lay of the market landscape for a device and user aggregation, interaction modeling and moderation system, I ran into the term "Identity Layer" that appears to sum up the objective of a concept that I have patented. In essence, Clique Space is a system that abstracts user presence and models collaborations. I will leave the details to the three links I provide in my signature below, and to Google. I would love to have some feedback. Thanks, Owen. -- www.cliquespace.net Clique Space(TM) Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=81335296379 Owen's Garden of Thought: http://owenpaulthomas.blogspot.com/